So apparently either the ridiculously fantastic summer weather has got me all distracted, or else the stress has finally melted my brain into one big squishy pile of Suck, because I am finding it extremely difficult to focus long enough to write decent paragraphs (or, indeed anything more elaborate than lists). Therefore, I give you..."Interesting Things".
-Saw Mermaid and her new butch at work today. (Neither a plus nor a minus on that one, merely a "hmm".)
-My mom sent me flowers as a congratulations for finishing T2. I think that's one of only a handful of times she's really been proud of me. Also a "hmm".
-Am somewhat speaking to Griffin; that is, I messaged him on Facebook with some housing questions and we've been conversing a bit.
-Am moderately dreading the trip to Duluth, to be honest. Family time is sure to be awkward, and as much as I am looking forward to seeing Tabby and Pine Marten, it feels downright weird to visit with most of my other friends. Not that I don't adore them, but of course it's always strange to see someone for the first time in anywhere from 3 to 8 months.
-It has occurred to me that, for all my flirting and ogling and gushing, I don't plan on dating any guys other than Jonathon (at least for the foreseeable future). If things between him and I go bad for good, it's back to women for me. I can't see myself with any other male.
-Worked 9 hours today; as always, a thrilling adventure. Tomorrow I have a 5-hour close, then I'm spending the night at Jessamine's, and another 5 hour mid on Sunday. Kay's picking me up late to head North.
-I'm both excited and nervous for my first summer away from Duluth. I'm trying to get some fun stuff planned out, within reason, between work and school. I will be in Duluth at least once if not more; my school's sponsoring a massage event on the weekend of Grandma's Marathon (mid-June), but I don't know when else I'll be able to make it up there. I'm hoping to go camping at least twice, once with Lioness and once with Pine Marten, plus a possible stint at Camp Trans with Jen; Ren Faire, Flight of the Valkyries concert/festival, Irish cetera. Not to mention, of course: graduation, moving to Uptown, blah blah blah. Wooooo.
Wow this is getting long. So much for "no paragraphs".
OH YES AND ALSO. Tonight, in a fit of utter madness...I bought a
a skirt. WTF.
(No but seriously. It's really pretty and I think I look totally hot in it. BUT WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?)
So yeah. That is the Stuff, I guess. Life rolls on. I'm going to go watch Bones.