Apr 18, 2009 14:45
Ugh. I called in to work today because I woke up at 1 am, puked all over the bathroom floor, and then dry-heaved for 10 minutes. My stomach hurt too badly to lay flat, so I slept not-so-well, propped up on pillows and feeling like my intercostals were being poked out by a gang of malicious entrail-elves. I'm feeling okay now, but health code says you can't work food service 24 hours after throwing up, so I had to call in. Not that I was really excited for my 12 hour shift, but there goes almost a hundred dollars. >:-[
Last night and this morning I spent some time compiling taekwondo video clips and setting the lot of them to SOAD's "Chop Suey". It's nowhere near the best editing job ever, but I like how it turned out. I'll upload it to show off when I have a chance.
Jonathon and I are back to being something. Nobody's quite sure what, but so far it's a pleasent something, and I'm satisfied with it.
Yesterday was payday, so I was able to finally get presents bought for Kay's birthday, Mothers' Day, and Dad's birthday. Also, Jason and I have begun writing our letters in Spanish.
Anyway. T2 is over! Spring Break has begun! The weather is beautiful! Overall, life at the moment merits exclamation points!
Okay, I'm heading home to do some spring cleaning. Woooooo. Peace.
life update blaaah,
my body is not a wonderland