the one less traveled by (and has that made all the difference?)

Nov 14, 2008 22:37

You know what I realized today?

Moving to the city was the best decision I ever made. It has hurt me in ways I didn't think were possible, and it has made my life so unbelievably difficult that I don't even want to live it sometimes, and it has lost me so many things I value. But I believe that in some fated sense, it was fundamentally the Right Choice to make.

If someone had told me that because of this decision my girlfriend would break up with me, I would lose my best friend, and I would relapse into deep depression...I still might have done it. It's a tug on my soul. But even if I had stayed, I don't know if I would be happier. (Does that make me selfish? An asshole? I don't know.)

This world is spinning around me
This world is spinning without me
Every day sends future to past
Every breath leaves me one less to my last

Watch the sparrow falling
Gives new meaning to it all
If not today nor yet tomorrow then some other day

I'll take seven lives for one
And then my only father's son
As sure as I did ever love him
I am not afraid

This world is spinning around me
The whole world keeps spinning around me
All life is future to past
Every breath leaves me one less to my last

Pull me under, pull me under
Pull me under, I'm not afraid
All that I feel is honor and spite
All I can do is set it right
-Dream Theater: "Pull Me Under"

lyrics, moving, the universe is amazing, important decisions

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