Apr 04, 2006 12:22
Sooooo once again I have procrastinated myself into a massive pile of life-shortening shit. Never fails. Ever since the end of eigth grade I have always been the smart, sincere, student who's just going through some hard times and so the teacher takes it easy on me until I miraculously catch up moments before the final grades are due in the classes I am taking by pulling two or more all nighters in a row.
Only this time I don't think I'm going to be so lucky. If I don't get all A's and B's this semester I'm going to get kicked out of school.
I remember the first all-nighter I ever pulled. I was in sixth grade and it was on a project about Lithuania. I felt wierd all day, but I got everything done and I ended up getting and 'A' on the project. This was quite possibly the worst thing that ever happened to me... that positive reinforcement of my procrastination has continued to this day, and now I finally don't think I'll be able to pull it off this time.
allow me to list off a few things that I must finish before the end of next week in order to save my future.
-5 page philosophy paper on Wittgenstein
-7 page philosophy paper comparing John Dewey to A.J. Ayer
-5 page philosophy paper on Heidegger/ Sarte
-7 page philosophy paper comparing language of two guys who's names I can't even remember
-take home test that includes 3 essays and 6 short answer Q's
-five paragraph essay
-3 page readings essay for Schools and Society
-discussion board reflections on two videos I still need to watch
-reflection paper
-observation journal #1
-observation journal #2
-take home quiz #1
-take home quiz #2
-Observation Project(20 pages)
-SPSS assignment #5
-eight daily responses(1 page each)
Let's hope I still have it in me.