Wow, what a week it's been, and to top everything off, I'm as sick as a dog today! Just woke up having difficulty breathing, a nose that's running like Niagra Falls, and a fever... yay....
It's a big weekend for television coming up... the finale of Torchwood S2, and the premire of Doctor Who S4 (or, if you want to be technical, S30 lol). I'm quite excited though Katie said she head bad things about the finale of TW.. that makes me sad. Is it bad that I kind of hope someone dies? Like Owen... or even better Gwen? Why not Rhys you ask? Because that would just open the door right up for more of that Gwen/Jack rubbish. TPTB must stick to what they've made canon, and that's definitely NOT Gwack LOL!!! Oddly enough, that's the sound I make whenever I think of Jack and Gwen together too....
Life has been a tad bit busy and annoying the last week. Easter Monday I spent with Dakota which was nice. He was frisky as anything, which excites me for the upcoming team penning season. I really can't wait for it! Anyways, Tuesday was a night to myself where I just did homework and lurked online. Wednesday we has a training night for work... okay, I'll all for professional development... I think it's needed and valuable... but when it's an hour away, 3hrs long, and on top of an 8hr work day, it's just plain annoying! It was great to see Jes, and the Amandas again though! I'm pumped for Jes, Sandra's, and my date night this week! I miss them a lot! Thursday saw me back at the chiropractor for my foot... it really doesn't seem to be getting much better, mom thinks I should go to the doctor *giggles* If only she knew what I thought when she mentioned that... I watch WAY too much telly!!! Anyways, I have come to the conclusion that Dakota did step on me back between Christmas and New Years... It happened in the shed, I can remember it now. I'm wondering if a cast would just make it better or not.... I hate that thought though, I can't afford to take off any work!! Saturday we went to pick out the guys' tux's! That was a huge amount of fun! And I've got to admit that all combined, we're going to be the hottest wedding party in all of history I think!!
Speaking of wedding party though, I'm still saddened by a person I had to leave out. It had nothing to do with the quality of the friendship, it's solid as hell, but the places we are in our lives I just didn't think it would work. Enough with the depressing stuff though, she knows I love her to bits!!
Site of the Post!
One of my online friends has done a lot of work with the ever-fantastic Cliff Simon (plays the System Lord Ba'al in the Stargate SG1 series and movie). They worked on some self-help cds together and she has now started up her own website. As of the time of my posting, it's very small and intimate, and Cliff agreed to come one periodically to answer questions. Seems like a very nice gentleman, who is also very involved in animal welfare projects. The site can be located here at
Auroris Entertainent.
Till Next Time,