Feb 25, 2009 10:42
i love food
all kinds of food
recently ive been having weir cravings for foods i was never really fond of
it started with bacon...i never liked bacon...i dont know why because ill eat any other part of a pig, hell scrapple is my favorite! but i just never really had a taste for it - couldnt even stand the sound of it frying in the pan...but not that long ago i needed bacon every day! i had bacon with every meal! hahaha
apparently my new kick is onions - ive always liked onions, but not like now...now i want them on everything! ok, well maybe i really just want them with potatoes or meat cause they go really well with all that, but ive even been craving a cheesesteak just for the fried onions...mmmmm
uh. yeah just felt like writing it down...but now you know in case you were wondering! hahahahahahahaa
hope everyone is having a great day! :D