just breathe

Mar 29, 2006 22:29

I sure you that your livejournal is not malfunctioning, you are indeed reading a journal entry from me. I've been visiting the Land of Lurkdom since I moved to Pittsburgh. I have regularly been reading your entries, just have not had the desire to post and that's definately not because the lack of things to say.

I'm not sure where to start, honestly. Alot has happened, some I can recall, most that I can't. Basically, I have been in Pittsburgh for almost 2 months. I've seen O'Sullivan numerous times, which is uber exciting. I see Barbara every other day or so, which is great too. They are like my family away from home. The dog, Diddy, and I are holding up well... it was touch and go for a little bit, where he was almost sent back to Maryland to live with my folks. However, that was a short-lived idea and he's been here ever since. I swear I would be soo lonely and crazy without this dog. He IS my family. (Even though he tries to take over the bed at night...grrr)

So as some of you know, I've been doing alot of shows here. I wrapped up "Jesus Christ Superstar" at the beginning of March. Which was alot of fun and I totally got points toward my Equity card. awesome! My second production of "Quilters" is opening next weekend. I will refrain of writing anything about this show... I just keep telling myself that I am getting PAID for this gig. Thank you God!

(^@%#^$#^!@$#$@%@#@%#$*$&#*#$%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I feel better now!

I went out on a limb and told the artistic director for PMT, that I would like to be seen for the role of Maria in the upcoming production of "Sound of Music". I got to the final round of callbacks. Alas, I did not get the role (what else is new in my life?!), But I snagged Sister Margaretta, which is a fairly decent speaking role and alot better than just Ensemble Nun. So I am proud of myself, in having faith in my skills and at least putting myself out there.

Can I just say, that I miss the atmosphere of Wesleyan? I miss the people, and I miss the campus during the Spring. Honestly, Spring was the most fun at Wesleyan. The Midget and I riding around in her car with the tunes cranked. Hanging out in front of the Camden Apartment. Going to the park instead of Ballet.hahaha. I'm not sure how I feel about this upcoming spring... it's definitely not what I'm used too.

I think shall this on that note...
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