[Eddie takes a seat as suggested. He leans back a little, posturing suggesting all the confidence in the world, watching as his new warden pours their drinks and such. At the question, he shifts to lean forward instead, planting his forearms on his knees and smiling anew.]
"I'd like to know everything you're willing to tell me, Mr. Crabtree -- or do you prefer 'Constable?' If we're going to be working together as closely as I think is needed in a place like this, then I think we should both know about each other. You obviously have my file, so you're already ahead of the curve -- unless you haven't read it yet, in which case I appreciate the gesture. I wouldn't blame you for it, though. There's nothing wrong with knowing what it is you're supposed to be dealing with. This is a job for you and more of a business relationship than a friendship and I respect that. But I like to know who I'm getting into business with too.
That said, if you're willing, I'd like to start with where you're from, what time period, and the general culture of where you grew up and lived most of your life."
It's Constable Crabtree, but you can call me George if you'd like. I'm from Toronto, Canada, 1897. I did move around a bit as a lad, with different family members, hence the-
[George waves a hand at his own throat. He means his accent.]
But I was born in Toronto, and that's where I live and work now. I joined the Constabulary some years back, and before that I did day labor: mostly farm work, some factory.
I have read your file, but I'd certainly be interested to hear the facts from you, personally. More interested, really. And I'm glad you've brought business up, too. There seems to be a bit of a divide between wardens and inmates, particularly of late, and I'm not sure about everybody else, but the way I see things, as your warden: I do work for you.
Spam Land - I apologize for being slow with this.acertifieduserJune 5 2011, 20:05:41 UTC
"Why did you join the Constabulary, if you don't mind my asking? And, I know this is kind of rude, but realize that I'm trying to understand here and not just being an asshole: Do you ever feel ignorant or behind because you're from such an earlier time than a lot of the people here? I don't mean myself, although I'm included in that by coming from such a later year, but the Barge itself seems to operate on a slightly more advance time frame. -- And do you ever resent not having made it to the turn of the century before coming here? I guess if you made a deal, you'll probably be back to experience it later, but if you died.. It would be a Greek tragedy."
[Eddie takes a long sip of his tea between monologues, simply trying to keep his throat moist enough to continue. There's a constant sense of undulation from him, speaking in large crests and then settling only long enough to listen before beginning again. He's anxious, eager to get things done or established.]
"That's interesting that you say you think you work for me, because I was kind of picturing it the other way around. In the traditional sense of business, you're the one with the ability to produce rewards in what is effectively payment. I guess you could argue about being contracted by the Admiral to work for me, then we could agree to be on equal footing or something, but I think if you were working for me, you'd be more obligated to follow orders and I don't think that's the way wardens are -- or should be, given some of the nutjobs running around."
[He pauses to take a breath, then waves a hand somewhat dismissively.] "I grew up in Jersey with my parents. My mom was supportive, my dad thought I was a hippie for not going into hard business. I graduated and became a writer. I was married for awhile and I had a rough patch, traveled, but then ended up at the publishing firm I wanted to work for. Then my ex-brother-in-law helped me out in getting some connections and next thing I know, I'm brokering one of the biggest deals in the history of American business."
Spam Land - No prob! I'm always fine with slowtime & backtagging.19centconstableJune 6 2011, 04:54:28 UTC
The Constabulary? I just liked the sound of it. It paid well, and it seemed exciting. I'm a bit of an adventure seeker.
[George takes the question of his ignorance as good-naturedly as he takes most everything. Although the word 'asshole' makes him smirk a little.]
It's no trouble. My detective back home is very clever, and always coming up with new ways of doing things, so I'm quite used to feeling ignorant. And I certainly don't plan to die any time soon.
I do understand why one might see one's warden as the boss of them, but think of a close protection officer: they do work for the individual they're guarding, but they aren't obligated to do as they say if they think it might lead their charge to being in harm's way. And that does mean both physical harm to their person, and harm to their good name.
[George doesn't dismiss Eddie's autobiography at all.]
And congratulations to you. But why do you think you're here?
Spam Land - Thanks!acertifieduserJune 6 2011, 07:44:02 UTC
"You adventure by becoming a law official? I guess I can understand the misconception of how active and adventurous it is-- of course, I'm also talking about modern day officials, so I really can't say anything about what they were like in your time."
[He thinks about that for a second, then he's moving on.]
"You do feel ignorant then. You're just okay with it?" [It's important to clarify.]
"Alright, then what do you think you can do about getting me an occupation or two here? I need something active and demanding. I'm also guessing that if you read my file, you know about the medications I'm on, so I'll ask that you not talk about those to anyone -- for my safety."
[Another smile.] "Thank you, George." [A pause.] "I think I'm here because some nondescript figure referred to as the Admiral decided that I need to be redeemed, the same as the other inmates. Unless you mean what specifically I think I need to be redeemed in and, to tell you the truth, I have a pretty good idea. I was kind of an asshole when I was younger and I have a lot to make up for. It's exactly what I was trying to do before I came here, actually, but apparently I didn't have time to do enough."
I'm alright with it because being aware of it means I'm able to do something about it, and because it means there's always something I can learn about, which I do enjoy.
And, of course, your health is your business only.
[George leans back in his seat thoughtfully.]
What would you want to do? If you could do anything, that is. Anything on a boat that travels through space.
Spam Land.. I'm sorry he's so wordy all the time. D:acertifieduserJune 7 2011, 00:07:19 UTC
[Eddie listens with the same confident smile throughout, then his expression alters a hint as he thinks about what to do.]
"If I had my choice? I'd like to do a little bit of everything. I also want to know what I can do to help you to trust me, because I'm used to being in a fast-paced environment where I can prove myself in a few weeks and rise to the top. I know there's not exactly a top to rise to here -- and I know you might count graduation as a personal top, but I'm talking about within the community here -- and I can only do so much as an inmate, but I'd like to be trusted enough to be able to do more."
[He pauses again, taking another sip of his tea. Then Eddie runs a hand through his hair and continues.] "I'm also noticing a lack of any kind of activities to build cohesiveness among.. anyone, really. I was thinking that maybe we could start some kind of group, maybe for a specific kind of problem among inmates. Or a bartering system for the inmates since I've already seen some asking for some things that they don't want to ask their own warden for."
"To put it simply, I want to be known here, George. In order to get the kind of opportunities that I want, people need to know my name and know that they can trust me. A lot of that takes time, but we have that and I'm willing to put in a lot of effort." [A pause as Eddie sits back again, displaying more nonchalance.] "In the meantime, I've been learning French and studying the psychology of colors."
[A beat.] "That reminds me. Who's in charge of the art room? Maybe we should take that up."
I've always thought the best way to get people to trust you is to be trustworthy. As long as you are that, I don't see there be any trouble.
[George says this sort of thing like it's all so easy, because that sort of thing is easy for George.]
I do agree on the activities, though. And I'll certainly inquire about the art room. I didn't know colors had any psychology. Which problem did you have in mind for tackling?
"That's the easy way, but it's time consuming. Usually you can do that and something else to speed up the process." [Eddie doesn't dismiss George's statement, but his point remains.]
"All of them. I'm afraid I need you to be a little more specific if you'd like me to do the same."
[George looks slightly skeptical. He is generally an optimist, but that's the sort of thing that could go so easily and terribly wrong, even he has to acknowledge it.]
And pardon, I thought you had one specific problem in mind. Like how they all feel about their fathers, or some such thing.
"Grandeur in general, really." [Eddie on NZT doesn't particularly acknowledge what could happen because he has yet to truly fail on the drug. Excepting his death, of course.]
"Oh. Nothing in particular there, although it might be a good idea to try something with reducing prejudice by creating superordinate goals."
[But he's alive with more NZT now, so clearly he won in the whole situation.]
"Superordinate goals. It means creating something that can only be accomplished if the opposing groups work together to achieve the task. By being forced to work together, people psychologically tend to alter their perceptions to view "them" as "us" and widen their group mentality." [Pause.] "The Robber's Cave experiment. You should read about it in the library if you get the chance. It's pretty interesting stuff. It ties back into Golding's idea about what can happen in human nature. Except we'd be the pig on a stick in this case."
"You and I are on the same side, of course. I really don't think most of the inmates see it that way, though, and I even wonder about some of the wardens. We could provide a good example for them of working together for bigger and better things -- and I'm not just talking about redemption, because that's not important to every inmate. I'm talking about something else, like the floods or ports."
[Eddie takes another sip of his tea, still at ease.]
"I'd like to know everything you're willing to tell me, Mr. Crabtree -- or do you prefer 'Constable?' If we're going to be working together as closely as I think is needed in a place like this, then I think we should both know about each other. You obviously have my file, so you're already ahead of the curve -- unless you haven't read it yet, in which case I appreciate the gesture. I wouldn't blame you for it, though. There's nothing wrong with knowing what it is you're supposed to be dealing with. This is a job for you and more of a business relationship than a friendship and I respect that. But I like to know who I'm getting into business with too.
That said, if you're willing, I'd like to start with where you're from, what time period, and the general culture of where you grew up and lived most of your life."
It's Constable Crabtree, but you can call me George if you'd like. I'm from Toronto, Canada, 1897. I did move around a bit as a lad, with different family members, hence the-
[George waves a hand at his own throat. He means his accent.]
But I was born in Toronto, and that's where I live and work now. I joined the Constabulary some years back, and before that I did day labor: mostly farm work, some factory.
I have read your file, but I'd certainly be interested to hear the facts from you, personally. More interested, really. And I'm glad you've brought business up, too. There seems to be a bit of a divide between wardens and inmates, particularly of late, and I'm not sure about everybody else, but the way I see things, as your warden: I do work for you.
[Eddie takes a long sip of his tea between monologues, simply trying to keep his throat moist enough to continue. There's a constant sense of undulation from him, speaking in large crests and then settling only long enough to listen before beginning again. He's anxious, eager to get things done or established.]
"That's interesting that you say you think you work for me, because I was kind of picturing it the other way around. In the traditional sense of business, you're the one with the ability to produce rewards in what is effectively payment. I guess you could argue about being contracted by the Admiral to work for me, then we could agree to be on equal footing or something, but I think if you were working for me, you'd be more obligated to follow orders and I don't think that's the way wardens are -- or should be, given some of the nutjobs running around."
[He pauses to take a breath, then waves a hand somewhat dismissively.] "I grew up in Jersey with my parents. My mom was supportive, my dad thought I was a hippie for not going into hard business. I graduated and became a writer. I was married for awhile and I had a rough patch, traveled, but then ended up at the publishing firm I wanted to work for. Then my ex-brother-in-law helped me out in getting some connections and next thing I know, I'm brokering one of the biggest deals in the history of American business."
[George takes the question of his ignorance as good-naturedly as he takes most everything. Although the word 'asshole' makes him smirk a little.]
It's no trouble. My detective back home is very clever, and always coming up with new ways of doing things, so I'm quite used to feeling ignorant. And I certainly don't plan to die any time soon.
I do understand why one might see one's warden as the boss of them, but think of a close protection officer: they do work for the individual they're guarding, but they aren't obligated to do as they say if they think it might lead their charge to being in harm's way. And that does mean both physical harm to their person, and harm to their good name.
[George doesn't dismiss Eddie's autobiography at all.]
And congratulations to you. But why do you think you're here?
[He thinks about that for a second, then he's moving on.]
"You do feel ignorant then. You're just okay with it?" [It's important to clarify.]
"Alright, then what do you think you can do about getting me an occupation or two here? I need something active and demanding. I'm also guessing that if you read my file, you know about the medications I'm on, so I'll ask that you not talk about those to anyone -- for my safety."
[Another smile.] "Thank you, George." [A pause.] "I think I'm here because some nondescript figure referred to as the Admiral decided that I need to be redeemed, the same as the other inmates. Unless you mean what specifically I think I need to be redeemed in and, to tell you the truth, I have a pretty good idea. I was kind of an asshole when I was younger and I have a lot to make up for. It's exactly what I was trying to do before I came here, actually, but apparently I didn't have time to do enough."
And, of course, your health is your business only.
[George leans back in his seat thoughtfully.]
What would you want to do? If you could do anything, that is. Anything on a boat that travels through space.
"If I had my choice? I'd like to do a little bit of everything. I also want to know what I can do to help you to trust me, because I'm used to being in a fast-paced environment where I can prove myself in a few weeks and rise to the top. I know there's not exactly a top to rise to here -- and I know you might count graduation as a personal top, but I'm talking about within the community here -- and I can only do so much as an inmate, but I'd like to be trusted enough to be able to do more."
[He pauses again, taking another sip of his tea. Then Eddie runs a hand through his hair and continues.] "I'm also noticing a lack of any kind of activities to build cohesiveness among.. anyone, really. I was thinking that maybe we could start some kind of group, maybe for a specific kind of problem among inmates. Or a bartering system for the inmates since I've already seen some asking for some things that they don't want to ask their own warden for."
"To put it simply, I want to be known here, George. In order to get the kind of opportunities that I want, people need to know my name and know that they can trust me. A lot of that takes time, but we have that and I'm willing to put in a lot of effort." [A pause as Eddie sits back again, displaying more nonchalance.] "In the meantime, I've been learning French and studying the psychology of colors."
[A beat.] "That reminds me. Who's in charge of the art room? Maybe we should take that up."
[George says this sort of thing like it's all so easy, because that sort of thing is easy for George.]
I do agree on the activities, though. And I'll certainly inquire about the art room. I didn't know colors had any psychology. Which problem did you have in mind for tackling?
"All of them. I'm afraid I need you to be a little more specific if you'd like me to do the same."
[George looks slightly skeptical. He is generally an optimist, but that's the sort of thing that could go so easily and terribly wrong, even he has to acknowledge it.]
And pardon, I thought you had one specific problem in mind. Like how they all feel about their fathers, or some such thing.
"Oh. Nothing in particular there, although it might be a good idea to try something with reducing prejudice by creating superordinate goals."
Super-...sorry, what?
"Superordinate goals. It means creating something that can only be accomplished if the opposing groups work together to achieve the task. By being forced to work together, people psychologically tend to alter their perceptions to view "them" as "us" and widen their group mentality." [Pause.] "The Robber's Cave experiment. You should read about it in the library if you get the chance. It's pretty interesting stuff. It ties back into Golding's idea about what can happen in human nature. Except we'd be the pig on a stick in this case."
[George doesn't ask rhetorical questions.]
To my mind, we're all on the same side, here.
[Eddie takes another sip of his tea, still at ease.]
Mr. Spinola, that sounds like a plan.
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