Hello People!

Dec 13, 2004 22:40

Hey people. I just got a live journal, and i am hoping it will be better than my Xanga journal, because I kept getting hate comments from non-ana people, and it was really starting to piss me off.

Sometimes I worry about whether or not it is safe having a journal like this. A friend of mine was caught with her ED. I kind of thought she might have one, but I didn't know for sure. She didn't even have a site about it an her parents found out. maybe she was just bad about hiding it, Because I Have had Ana for five years now, and no one even suspects. Just cause I am Greek, means I eat all the time I guess. I feel sort of bad for my friend, because It seems like the reason she went Ana was because she knew I was. And I am very grateful she hasn't told anyone about my "little secret" yet. Seems like people are getting fatter and fatter these days, yet I am sickened to find that is considered NORMAL. I never want to be normal that's for sure. Normal is so overrated.

I don't know if there are very many of you Anas or Mias out there in the LiveJournal community, but I would appreciate it very much if you would be a friend or something. I really feel like I need people to talk about this with. Maybe share some tips or life stories with? Anyone else have a tramatic childhood? lol. Now that's getting a little pathetic, but I have a personality disorder, and I make friends the harder ways.... very slow. I seem to have such a low self esteem, people don't want to be around me... they say i just want pity... no, that's not it ata ll, i wnat them to know the truth... nothing more.

Say Thankya.
Sai Kaia J. Anastassakis
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