Feb 14, 2009 23:22
I will be twenty-seven years old this coming Wednesday, the eighteenth. I remember when Dustin turned twenty-seven. I went out and bought two balloons- a two and a seven- and decorated the living room a little bit before he got home from work that day. It was cute- but i'm that sort of guy. I like it when other people like balloons and decorations, and I think i'd like them for me... but I could never bring myself to want them openly. Nobody has decorated for a birthday of mine since I was a child living with my mom. So... not since I was twelve.
I think the reason for the lack of enthusiasm from other people for my birthday was because I had a dad (who I lived with) who disliked his own birthday, and often forgot my own (our birthdays are a day apart- forget one, forget the other.) Then I was out of the house by seventeen, and so where would anyone have celebrated with me? At nineteen I was where I am now, and Dustin is the sort of person who doesn't celebrate his own birthday in a showy way, and personally shies away from getting such from other other- which means, in a considerate fashion, he wouldn't put out a showy celebration for anyone else unless he knew it's what they wanted. However, I couldn't ask. haha. At this point i'm not sure i'd even enjoy a pageant for my life anniversary!
Anyway, I don't know what the point of that was. I'll be closer to thirty than twenty-five, and i'm not too worried. I'm happy to be alive. I have two awesome dogs, a roommate whose got my back and a yard that constantly needs attention. I've got good family, a few good friends and a big freakin' tv. I'm good. Blarg... i've got no thought!
Should I want things? I do. I've got a list of bluray movies i'd like. Other things too, mostly money. Money buys things. I love coffee- though everyone who knows me knows that. Shoes, jeans... but, why? Human nature I guess. To horde is to be safe. Too bad you can't eat a dvd when you're hungry, but you could eat a book. I do like books... to read though. History books on the classical world; Ancient Rome (Republic and Empire), to be exact.
Ok, so... my birthday's coming up. Any ideas on what I should do? Anything in town worth seeing, or doing? Eating? How about some movies I could rent to watch? I like dystopian, apocolyptic and post-apocolyptic films, as well as space sci-fi. I like board games... and I have a ps3, so i'm also thinking about lounging on that for a while- but I can play online with people! Ideas please. I've got a short amount of time to come up with a plan.