Донебоскрёбный Нью-Йорк конца XIX века в фотографиях Роберта Брэклоу (Robert Louis Bracklow, 1849-1919), американца немецкого происхождения. В 1880-х годах нью-йоркскский лавочник Брэклоу увлёкся фотографией и благодаря своему новому хобби оставил нам немало фотоизображений Нью-Йорка рубежа веков. Предпочитал фотографировать город рано на рассвете, когда на улицах уже светло, но ещё малолюдно, поэтому Нью-Йорк (Манхэттен) на фотографиях Брэклоу выглядит немного безжизненным.
1890-1891. Old houses on Canal Street.
1890. Seventh Avenue between 42nd Street and 43rd Street.
1890s. 21-23 Pearl Street.
1891. Herald Building, Sixth Avenue and W. 35th Street.
1892. Broadway and Murray Street. Office of the Independent on the corner.
1892. The Bank for Savings, Bleecker Street at Crosby Street.
1893 Hudson Park (part of a former Trinity Parish cemetery), Leroy Street, Greenwich Village, September 4, 1893
1895. Abbey Theatre, the Casino Theatre, and the Hotel Normandie, W. 39th Street and Broadway.
1895. Hotel Brevoort, Fifth Avenue and 8th Street.
1896. Hotel Empire and nearby wooden shacks, West 63rd Street.
1898. Broadway, St. Paul's Chapel.
1898. Chambers Street, 6-14.
1898. City Hall Park, New York City.
1898. Fifth Avenue looking south from 39th Street towards the Brick Presbyterian Church at 37th Street and Fifth Avenue.
1898. Lincoln Building and statue of Lincoln, Union Square West and W. 14th Street.
1898. Intersection of Eighth Avenue and W. 43rd Street.
1899. Rooftop crowds watching the Dewey Naval Parade, New York City, September 29, 1899.
1899. Shearith Israel synagogue, 8 West 70th Street and Central Park West.
1890s. 14 Astor Place, New York City.
1890s. Broadway and E. 25th Street. The St. James Hotel (1859-1896) visible on Broadway.
1890s. Church of the Messiah, E. 34th Street and Park Avenue, New York City.
1890s. Colonnade Row (LaGrange Terrace), Lafayette Place (later Lafayette Street).
1890s. Fourteenth Street Presbyterian Church, 214 E. 14th Street at Second Avenue.
1890s. Hotel Manhattan (1896), E. 42nd Street and Madison Avenue.
1890s. McAleer's Café, at the corner of South Street and Burling Slip on the East River waterfront.
1890s. Schepp Building (1881), 165 Duane Street between Hudson Street and Greenwich Street.
1890s. State Street, including the Mission of Our Lady of the Rosary, viewed from Battery Park.
1890s. Union Square. Statue of Lafayette in Union Square.
1890s. Steamship Row at Bowling Green. Anchor Line ship offic, 7 Bowling Green.
1900. Dewey Arch, Fifth Avenue.
1900. View of E. 48th St. looking west from Madison Avenue, showing the St. Nicholas Collegiate Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, September 1900.