Mar 08, 2004 19:14
Well people, today was fucking gorgeous. Beautiful. It was so warm..The sun was bright and shining, hardly any breeze..Man. So nice. I love the sun. I love heat. I hate cold. I hate rain(when ur outside at skool..)
That made me super duper happy.
So me and Josie dropped off my mojo at the hospital, and she had some crazy shit done to her. She basically had a hole put into her with this huge tube and then ...they put this dye in her to see what was wrong..where the problem in her legs are, and then they found it and then she had to sit foir 6 hours with her leg straight so the hole they put into her...could kinda heal, she had to wait for a CLOT to form at the top of the hole..weird i Know? I dunno what thats all about. Im explaining this really bad..But im kinda sketchy on the details also. Josie went and picked her up, around 4. They came here..she cant really walk that good. THIS WASNT EVEN THE OPERATION..AND THAT WAS AN OPERATION! So im kinda freakin out about next week. Its a by-pass surgery. Bi-pass? i dunno how to spell it. But pray for my momo Guys, okay? That type of surgery is incredibly serious. So much shit can go wrong. This fuckin doc better know what hes doin man. She'll be out of work for a little more then a week...after the real operation, soooo moneys gonna be Kinda tight. That sucks alot rite now cuz..I have so many things i was just about to ask for haha..Oh well. DADDYS ALWAYS THERE. Him and his bitch ass girlfriend...I mean..I like her. But i really dont. Who cares. I wanna go back to the lake.
I saw this add...with Hilary Duff. her hair was really cute. I kinda wanna cut it like that. Its just...a little different then mine. I have layers that are basically bangs already, i just dont show them cuz i think they look kinda weird. the add..she had more bangs and more layers, it looks good..i wanna do a bunch of shit to my hair. highlight it. cut it. cut it all off. glue it back on..You know. all that damn Girly shtuff.
I saw the sheets i want at mervyns for my bed! yay!
and they had matching pillows!
My room is a very important place to me. It has to be exactly how i want it..I need to make it comfortable and really chill..Which people say it is. Which is good. pleasing my audiences. They'll walk in..and just Look up..down..around..left..right..since theres shit all over the cieling, the walls..then my little random bed on the ground with pillows and Shit all over it. My huge universe thingy over my window..its a cool room i think. I wanna do some more stuff to it, change it. I need changed quite often...I dont like things the same all the time.
Distillers playing in Santa Barbara. 14 Bucks. Fuck yes, me and meelies will be there for SURE. Maybe Josie too? He'd have fun..Its on a friday. so i told Mojo we'd make a weekend out of it...
Beach tomarrow!!!!!!! Farmers,then the beach!!!!!! yayyy!!!! (Hopefully)
Download any song from ''bad Brains'' there a cool Band.
Ani Flag- O.I.L
Sheesh, i love tonite. I love when its hot, and then the nights are just beautiful. Its not even that cold i love it. YES! Everybody Loves Raymond is on..Score!
everything is just peachy. Peachy fucking Keen.
Viva La Hot weather!