Apr 02, 2004 00:25
-.F I R S T.T H I N G S.F I R S T.-
[my name is]: Marritzzaa
[in the morning i am]: Im never awake til around 11..
[all I need is]: My friends, my love, food, and my mom.
[love is]: indescribable
[I'm afraid of]: being alone
[I dream about]: Random nonsense
-.F A V O R I T E S.-
[COLOR]: black, purple, turqoise, green, blue, pink
[NUMBER]: 8 & 9
[DRINK]: Iced tea
[ANIMAL]: hmm..hard one..Either a cheetah, or a Kitten.
[HOLIDAY:] My birthday
[ACTOR/ACTRESS]: Gwyneth Paltrow/Marilyn Monroe/Adrien Brody/Bruce Willis
[MOVIE]: Schindler's List/Sixteen Candles/Breakfast Club/The Hours/Silence of the Lambs/Last American Virgin
-.W H O.-
[makes you laugh the most?:] Emily, Jose
[makes you smile]: Jose
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them:] Jose..again..
[easiest to talk to:] emily..jose..my mom..amelia..
-D O.Y O U.E V E R.-
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: Only sometimes, i like being a girl thank you very MUCH.
[cry because of someone saying something to you]: MM hmm
-.H A V E.Y O U.E V E R.-
[fallen for your best friend]: i didnt fall, but i liked him alot..
[been rejected]: Actually, every guy i've pursued, ive gotten. So no.
[used someone]: Uh yeah who hasnt..BUT I WAS USED FIRST. IT WAS A REVENGE TYPE THING GOIN ON...
[been cheated on]: Well not to my knowledge
[done something you regret]: who hasn’t?
-.W H O.W A S.T H E.L A S T.P E R S O N.-
[you hugged]: Josie
[you laughed with]: Dalton
[you kissed]: Josie
[you said "i love you" to... and meant it?]: Josie, my mom
-.D O.Y O U / A R E.Y O U.-
[smoke cigarettes]: Sometimes
[obsessive]: Ashamed to say but yes very..
[what's your favorite food?]: Burgers..mac & cheese..mashed potatoes..my list will go on for days..
[whats your favorite fruit?]: Orange
[drink alcohol?]: Yes ma'am
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: Both are beautiful..depends what Mood your in..
[what hurts the most?]: The truth.
[trust others way too easily?]: I used to be that way. I trust very few people now.
-.N U M B E R.-
[of times I have had my heart broken? ]: So far..None.
[of hearts u have broken?]: Well i broke it...Then i mended it..
[of continents I have lived in?]: uh 1
[of tight friends?]: 3
[of records that I own?]: Tons.
-.P I C K.O N E.-
[MARRY PERFECT FRIEND OR PERFECT LOVER]: Well lover as in..just for sex? If its just that..then perfect Friend.
[1 PILLOW OR 2 :] 2
[W/ OR W/O ICE CUBES: ] With. i cant really stand drinks without ice..but i hate when you put too much..then it gets too watery..
[BUNK OR WATER BED:] Water bed!
[OCEAN OR POOL:] Ocean..
[SHOWERS OR BATHS:] I love both.
[SILVER OR GOLD:] silver
[DIAMONDS OR PEARLS:] too hard..i love both.
-.I F.Y O U.C O U L D.-
[Move anywhere:] Paris France baby
[Meet one famous person:] Brody!!!
[Live with one person the rest of your life:] The obvious one.
[Name one thing you love:] The way warm clothes feel when you put them on right after you get them from the drier..
[Name one thing that embarrasses you:] Having my sex life being told to people.
[Do you like school?] Im out of school.
[Do you like to talk on the telephone?] Only to the occasional few who i regularly chat with.
[Do you like to dance?] FUCK YES
[Do you sing in the shower?] All the time.
[Do you think cheerleading is a sport?]: Its tough..but a sport..i dunno. Sure. No. Yes. Maybe. Not really.
[What's on your ceiling?] UH HOW ABOUT SOME PAINT?
[What's the hardest thing about growing up?] Well im in the process..but so far..Knowing that you are growing up is a hard thing to accept..