Title: What the eye doesn't see
Author: fawsley
Rating: Angsty blue Cortina
Word Count: 670
Disclaimer: all the property of BBC and Kudos
Notes: Brave angsty Annie, sad implied Sam/Gene slash but nothing explicit. Not really happy with this but the deadline is fast approaching, so...
What the eye doesn't see )
Comments 17
I do tend to think that a relationship like Gene and Sam would always be an open secret - ie everyone knows but it's never publicly acknowledged. That's actually probably the safest for them, because their team will protect them to a certain extent, as long as they know there is something they need protecting about. If that makes sense.
I'm just happy to have made you go gooey!
I have to agree with dorsetgirl about Sam and Gene, how lovely it is that they're living together.. how adorable!
Glad you enjoyed their mutual moment of discomfort!
I love the panic shown by Gene and Sam here and thought it was wonderful of Annie to give them the breathing space they need. She is a tremendously sympathetic character and the way you caught her was brilliant.
Yes. I am totally bunny-infested. And you know that Real Life thing? I don't do that. Never liked it, can't be bothered. Writing slash is far far more preferable. The sex is pretty good too.
I've never really written women before so Annie is a new departure for me. I'm still not very sure of her, but because as you say she's such a sympathetic character it isn't as hard as it first looked unlike Gene's cock.
the fics just keep coming!
Yes. I'm rather worried about this and hope it isn't getting annoying. My brain doesn't function particularly well due to health reasons, but when it comes to slash something clicks and the cogs all whir. Slam me up against the filing cabinet if it gets all too much, won't you?
I also loved how you wrote Sam and Gene's mute horror at maybe being found out.
I hope you keep up the writing pace because I'm loving your stories.
Thank you!
I hope you keep up the writing pace
Oh dear. See above. I'm getting very worried now. Trouble is that I have very little in the way of short-term memory due to holes in the brain so if I get an idea I have to write it straight away or it's lost for good. Making notes is no good - can never remember what the hell I meant when I read them back. So I'm afraid that you're just going to have to put up with the bunnies until they tire themselves out@
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