Dec 07, 2010 11:23
“You must remember this, a kiss is just a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh. The fundamental things apply, as time goes by. And when two lovers woo, they still say ‘I love you’. On that you can rely. The world will always welcome lovers, as time goes by.”
I can’t believe it’s been a year since I stood in front of a clean-shaven Elvis impersonator and a few random friends in Sin City and declared my life to my one true love. And what a year it’s been from …the explosion of and the end (for us) of The Rickshaw, board game nights, Wii parties, burlesque shows - including Sugar Daddy’s stage debut, and a big move to a new country…. I couldn’t have faced it without my best friend, my confidante, my lover, my husband. And the coming year looks just as exciting with the arrival of our new baby in just over a month! I know we will make a good parenting team because we already make such an amazing partnership together. I am really looking forward to all of the adventures I can share with my husband and our wee one… we created something together and it’s so much more miraculous than any venue we could fathom (although I know we will pursue our dream to do that too) and it was made out of our love for one another… and that is so beautiful. So, dear readers - if you feel so inclined - raise your glass or tip your hat to my other half, my biggest fan, my desire, my best friend, my husband!