excerpt from Emily's Pregnancy Blog

Sep 19, 2010 15:24

“How to Make a Pregnant Woman Happy”

Husband was perusing this book which helps partners deal with their pregnant wives’ mood swings and pregnancy symptoms: remedies to ease morning sickness, insomnia, water retention/bloating etc. So he’s asking me rather tongue-in-cheek, “How are your hemorrhoids? ... Varicose veins? … Swollen ankles?” etc. I say in response to each “non-existent”. He remarks that I’m just coasting through this pregnancy. Thinking about it, he is so right. I am very lucky to have evaded the morning sickness and nausea, I’ve managed to avoid water retention (so far) and any weight gain apart from the tummy and boobs. And my boobs are huge! And I think they are still growing. I couldn’t see my feet over my belly the other night and I lost my balance trying to scootch my feet out so I could see them. The only really negative symptom I am experiencing so far is the extreme itchiness from the bugs who seem to find me especially tasty in my pregnant glory. (I have to think about the positive-ness of the pregnancy experience itself, since the husband-isn’t-with-me situation surrounding the pregnancy is more than upsetting.) I feel like I was built to be pregnant. If I lived in the world of The Giver, I would be a birthing mom and wet-nurse; if I lived in the world of The Handmaid’s Tale, I would be a handmaiden. These are “jobs” I cringed at when I was a pre-teen and teen reading these novels. Now it feels oddly naturally - I mean, of course it’s natural, we women have been doing this since the beginning of time, but I didn’t ever think I would feel “at home” being pregnant… I always thought it would be an awful experience with a rewarding ending - oh wait, maybe that’s the birth itself…..

to read more on my pregnancy: mamasitapregnancyblog.tumblr.com/
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