Feb 18, 2009 22:44
I pretty much had a perfect day yesterday. (Even more so if you count the day as beginning at midnight.)
At midnight on Feb 15th I was finishing my Valentine's dinner date with Kimmy Shimmy. -- we were offered the free slice of cake that was leftover from the earlier dining couples ~ yum!
We then proceeded to the final night of the Sweatshop ~ this was rather bittersweet but it was nice to spend the last night with all the guys just as if it were any other night.
Malice and I spent the rest of the night reflecting and focusing on being down - "but not out" as Rocco put it.
While Malice was tying up some loose ends, I also got to visit with some lovely ladies at the Dollhouse Sleepover Party for about 20mins.
Sunday morning I woke up sans hangover and make my way to the Atlantic Trap & Grill to meet up with "the ladies who brunch". We then spent the beautiful sunny afternoon wandering around downtown. (I am pretty sure Catherine & Michelle went into every shoe store along Granville :P)
Catherine and I also had an adventure trying to find where she parked her car at Pacific Centre, and then another when we ventured into the Home Depot. We spent some much needed time together.
I was even a little bit productive: I started work on my fans and updated my "Unofficial fan club".
Then I got to have dinner with Olivia who was visiting Ontario! (It was a day to catch-up with some friends I haven't seen in awhile. Very pleasant.)
After dinner, I went to Kitty Nights - which I wasn't going to go to because I was stressed about having to perform next week... But I'm glad I did cuz I got to consult with Swan about the mic situation for next week and she solved all my issues with her infinite tech talents! She seriously took my stress-level down 3 notches at least; "she is a goddess", as I said to Teddy later. I told her she made my week and I really wasn't exagerrating.
And it must be noted that I seriously love those burlesque girls. We cheered, and danced and I had an all-around good night there, and to top it all off I got some much needed tail.
Yep, if I had to relive 1 day (a la Groundhog Day) - Feb 15 would be choice.