Apr 30, 2005 21:38
What an interesting past couple of days. I must say, I am quite relieved that finals are OVER. The Honors final, simply put, was RETARDED. Juries, those were awkward. I have no idea as to what in the world was wrong with the Southards and Dr. A, but something funky was going on. Oh, well, it's done.
I got my hair done on Thursday after my jury. Although I miss my hair, I love it!!! I think it looks cute. After I got my hair done, I went to the softball game, where I watched Wind Symphony get their asses kicked by Chorale. It was quite funny. Not to mention pathetic - Chorale had all of six people on their team, Wind Symphony had about ten, and I'm not sure how many they were down, but at one point, they were down by about fifteen runs. Well, I went with Dana, Brian, Steve and Katie to Chili's that night, and then we headed to the Rec Center parking lot to meet Eric. Eric was going to lead us to Flushing to go to Kelli Kelly's party. We drove to Flushing and made a stop at Eric's house, but I decided not to go to Kelli's, and I went to Ann Arbor to see DiBlassio instead. I hauled ass there, too. It's about a 45 minute drive to get to Ann Arbor from my house in Fenton. I left Flushing at 8:15, and I made it to Ann Arbor at 9. How good is that? Not very, actually, I sped quite badly the entire way there, but I didn't want to miss Andy play with Los Gatos.
The club was awesome that night! There were so many people there, it was crazy. I hung out with Will, Laura, Rachel, Todd, Rob, Melinda, Andy and Chelsea. I sat at a table with Melinda, Andy and Chelsea. We had fun!!! Melinda and Chelsea let me try their drinks. Good stuff, too. Anyway, we were just sitting there, and I was talking to the three of them, and this guy walks up to our table, and he looks at me and asked me to dance. I said no, but Andy said yes for me, and dragged me out of my seat, so I went and danced with a perfect stranger. Salsa is much harder than it looks. The song ended, and I sat back down feeling like a complete jackass, and not five minutes later, that same guy came back over to the table and asked me to dance again. This time, however, there was another guy with him. Again, Andy pulled me out of my seat, and I went and danced with the other guy. His moves were way harder than the first guy's moves! While I was dancing with that guy, Chelsea danced with the first guy I danced with. We sat back down, and I told Chelsea that I thought they were the instructors that offer lessons before Los Gatos goes on. Oh, no. Andy was like they're not the instructors, they just like to dance and they like the club. How crazy. Anyway, not too long after that, Andy played with them, and he kicked ass!!! I'm so proud of him. I hope I do half as well as he does. I play with Los Gatos next time. YAY!!! I can't wait. DiBlassio sat down to talk to us after the second set, and he looks and me and says "Ashley, didn't you have more hair in your jury?" That was the best quote of the evening. After that, he called me red when we were getting ready to leave. I took Rob home so I wouldn't have to drive home by myself. He was definitely drunk (or quite buzzed, anyway).
Yesterday was a blast! I got to watch my soap operas for awhile, then went to the bank. Maggie called me and told me that they were meeting at Chili's at 9, so I went up there, and it turned out that there were very few of us that showed. In fact, it was just Andy, his friend Robert, Kristin, Doty, Brendan and I. We had fun, though. We got to Andy's house around 11 or so, and tried Brendan's ice cream that he had made. That was good! Then we sat around and drank while watching Family Guy. After awhile, we decided to watch "Showgirls", which is basically (from what I understand) a rip-off of "Striptease". There was so much nudity in that movie it was ridiculous. Doty had left by that point, and Kristin and Brendan started talking about a Star Trek convention. They talked me into going. That's hilarious. We finished the movie, and we fell asleep. I slept on the recliner - that was hard, there wasn't a whole lot of room to move. Everyone woke up around 8:30 this morning, though, and we talked until about 9:30, when we all left. I came home, and I did absolutely nothing all day. I took a couple of naps. That was nice.
I really have no desire to sit through commencement tomorrow. That's going to SUCK!!! Then I start spring classes on Monday. I'm only taking one class, but still. I'd like more of a break. At least Dana and Craig are in my class. That'll be fun, at least.