It's baaaack

Sep 23, 2005 23:47

History of the Community, or Crowley's Deranged and Desperate Fanfiction
Part Three

Part One//Part Two

Snape: *sneers* Stupid community. Idiotic Muggles ... not to mention the wizards *is all glowerly, and zomg, made up a new word*

Jekyll: *is goodnatured, nice, and all that*
Hyde: ... *teases Jekyll about his sexuality*
Jekyll: omgwtf. ;__________;

Cosette: *flounces in!*
Courfeyrac: *SNOGS MARIUS*
Marius: ... *snogs back?*
Cosette: .....................................................
Marius: ... It was just to keep Eponine away! Honest!
Cosette: ...........................................
Courfeyrac: *snickers*

Ron: *shows up and is immediately tackled by fangirls*

Arronax: *arrives*
Captain Emo: ...
Arronax: ...
Captain Emo: OMGOMG ... *very stiff greeting*
Arronax: *OMGCLINGS* ... *same*
The two of them: *are cute togther, aww*

Hermione: *shows up*
Ron: Hermione! They're being stupid!
Everyone: So this is Hermione, hmm? HMM? *WINKWINKNUDGENUDGE*
Hermione and Ron: *omg scared*

Theodore Nott: *and thus began the age of Nott jokes*

Luna: I have an eagle on my head! ^_________^
Everyone: ......
Rosencrantz: Ooh! :D

Peter Pettigrew: H--
Pettigrew: *hides!*
Remus: Aww--
Remus: But--
Sirius: ... Remus.
Pettigrew: ;_____;
Remus: ... But--!
Sirius: *SNOGS REMUS TO DISTRACT HIM. 'k, that didn't actually happen, but it was a likely scene, right?*

La Sorelli: *insults everyone*
Phantom: You don't want to be doing that.
Raoul: *facepalms*

Fred and George: *blow up things*
George: *is gay*
Fred: *is not*
Ron: wtf.
George: Oliver.
Ron: WTF.
Fred: *amused*

Eponine: Bonjour!
Eponine: MARIUS! *glompwibblecuddleloves*
Cosette: ... He's mine, h0r.
Eponine: wtf, n00b, he kissed me.
Cosette: wtf. *threatens to stab with hat pin*
Eponine: *threatens with nails!*
Marius: Oh look, they're fighting over me-- ... Now, now, ladies.

Horatio: ... What up.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern: Save us!
Horatio: From what?
Guildencrantz and Rosenstern: From HAMLET.
Horatio: He's really not that bad in bed...
R&G: ;______;
Hamlet: Yo.
R&G: .... eep!
Horatio and Hamlet: *make a cute couple, awww*

James Potter: 'lo all! *is a nice, sane island of logic in the middle of ... well, the rest of DF*

Dili: ... Ooh, I want to find out about all the male puppets' sexual preferences. >:D *posts a poll*
Puppets: *answer*
Jehan: ... Other people can't see your answer, right? >__>
Dili: ... Yeah, they can.
Jehan: !! *blushes*
Dili: *patpats* ... *finds out that 69% of the DF males prefer other males at least somewhat* *proceeds to die laughing*

Archie: Er. Horatio? The French are invading my pants. Send help!
Typists: *squee*

Hermione: I have an AIM screenname!
Crowley: ........ *LIGHTBULB* AIM chats. They're addictive and tempting. >:D
A few people: *join*
More people: *join*
Chat: *is insane and hilarious*

Attempted summary of the chat:

Ron: *tries to give Hermione flowers* ... *gives her fish instead*
Hermione: ... Thanks.
Cosette: *wants a fish!*
Ron: *gives Marius a fish*
Marius: *gives Cosette a fish*
Cosette: :D

10 minute later:

Marius: *is somehow in a corner, being attacked by the floorboard, Blue Meanies, and snappy fish* *also has elongated front teeth* *is having a bad day*
Fish ... er, fish: *cuddles with Marius*
Marius: ;_______;
Everyone: The fish needs a name!
Jehan: Byron. :)
Byron: *is the best spawn evar. period.* *'cause he has Courfeyrac's arms, so that he can hug Marius, awww*

Courfeyrac: *shows up* ... No wonder I was typing with my tongue.

Ron and Byron: *GET INTO A FIGHT*
Byron: *pwns, 'cause he's Byron*

Nothing: *can beat the actual logs for that night, so just go and read this*

Pollution: *is here*
DF: *gets dirtier, hee* *not like it wasn't dirty before, geez*


Lag: *pwns AIM*
Everyone: ....... omg. ;___;
mIRC: *is used*
Everyone: Augh, wtf, this is so confusing...! ... Ooh, you can do cool things. Shiny.

Inigo: Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.
Fangirls: *do not mind how repetitive this is, because eeeeeeee, Inigo*

Aziraphale: I'm leaving, bye!
Crowley: ......
Aziraphale: But my character is up for grabs.
Crowley: ...... SOMEONE OMG PLS
Aziraphale: Hi, I'm back.
Crowley: ...... THANK G- SA- .. SOMEONE. ... 'lo, angel.

To be continued.

Auuuuuugh. This edition wasn't as funny as the earlier ones, 'm sorry. ;_____; Forgive me; The next one'll be much better, I promise. I just wanted to get these off the ground again.
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