ut oh!
its another friends only journal!
you know what that means!
+-(( Add Me If ))-+
++ you're a pretty cool person
++ you know me in real life
++ you want to get to know me
++ you have good taste in music
++ you're a nice person
++ you like the same things
++ you comment often
++ you update reguarly
++ your updates are important
+-(( Don't Add Me If ))-+
--you're a rude, self centered person
-- you never comment
-- you have gaps between updates
-- you want a bigger friends list
-- you don't know who i am
-- we're completely different
-- you intend to use it for html help
Congradulations if you made it through that list with more positives then negatives. Go ahead and add me, I'll be more than happy to add you back. Just comment often and let me know you're still alive. =)