Kiss: my love
Thing You Ate: chinese food
Thing You Drank: bud
Crush: hmmm lets think
Text: jo
Call: jenn
Hug: jenn
Song Listened To: whatever was on downstairs
TV Show Watched: rosewell
Movie Watched: indepence day
Instant Mesage: kate
Do you have a New Years Resolution?: nope
First reason you laughed: michelle being drunk
First picture taken: i have yet to take one cause i dont have my camera. hopefully it will come back to me soon (with some new pics)
1.Honestly, where are you now?
my bed
2.Honestly, have you ever failed a subject in high school?
3.Honestly, what's on your mind?
how i can beat this cold
4.Honestly, what is it that you really should be doing right now?
taking a nap
5.Honestly, have you brushed your teeth today?
6.Honestly, who are your best friends in the world?
ace and tex
7.Honestly, who is the hottest person you know?
8.Honestly, are you a good friend?
id like to think so
9.Honestly, do you think school is important?
very much so
10.Honestly, what are your dreams mostly about?
sex, lots and lots of sex
11.Honestly, who/what makes you happy most of the time?
jenn and sleep
12.Honestly, how happy are you now?
right now, not very, im sick. but usually i am
13.Honestly, what song are you listening to?
jenn on the phone
14.Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?
15.Honestly, do you have a deadly disease?
16.Honestly, do you hate someone right now?
17.Honestly, who/what do you wanna hug right now?
18.Honestly, are you bored?
very much so
19.Honestly, who do you wanna slap right now?
i dont slap
20.Honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now?
i dont think i have the energy
21. Honestly, do u like someone?
thats a big 10-4
22. Honestly, are u single?
24. Honestly, does anyone like you?
prob not
25. Honestly, have you had sex in the past 2 months?
yeah, just a little bit