I have a toddler

Sep 14, 2013 14:49

I have a tod­dler kind of - she’s not walk­ing at the moment but is stand­ing and try­ing to walk. The other day she tried to walk for­wards and fell back­wards - not quite sure how she did that. But she is into every­thing - I can’t sit for a sec­ond to do any­thing as she is nor­mally either pulling stuff out of cup­boards, throw­ing things through the cat flap or try­ing to eat my mums cats food. The other day she was up & down the stairs at my mums cause she hasn’t got stair gates.

I didn’t realise until she hit one about the tantrums - I thought only 2 years old got them but lil cries over every­thing - the other day it was because I wouldn’t let her eat toi­let roll, the door on the tum­ble dryer kept clos­ing, I wouldn’t let her sit on my lap while I peed or throw things down the stairs.

But we did have a fab 1 year old party
now I’m gear­ing up for Hal­loween and Christ­mas, love this time of year when the leaves start toll and I get to have my. Blan­ket but I don’t love hav­ing a cold!

Lil has her 1 year old jabs on Thurs­day hope they go okay and the boiler man who looks like Santa is com­ing back to fix our boiler so I can have hot water hurrah!

Lil’s new bed­room as we have vacated to the office.

Originally published at Digital-Damita.net. Please leave any comments there.


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