Since my last blog post I have been so busy with university work it is crazy, I even got an e-mail for graduation yesterday and my exam timetable, I cannot believe that this is it! In less than 3 months I am going to be finished, I am going to have a degree! How did that happen, I swear it only feels like yesterday I was whining to my friend on the train saying that three years seems like a life time away and he turning to me saying it will fly by, guess what it flew by!
I am still unsure what I am doing after my degree but I will be completing my PGCE in ICT teaching just because it will help even if I don’t go into to teaching, I would really like to work in an E-learning area, I cannot believe how much I enjoy learning about and creating E-learning website and flash games, even if flash sometimes makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a fork but so does any programming language.
So what does that leave me.. I now have two assignments due in and my 3rd year project draft report due in two weeks and it is nearly done just got to write bits up and then all I have is four exams. I am getting quite emotional about it all, I’ve been back in education after working for full-time for five years now and it has been safe, now I have to go into the big scary world to work and earn some pennies.
Does everyone feel the same after finishing college or a degree? How did you feel?
New Sofa!
Myself and my best friend’s new baby girl.
Other than this sudden panic about finishing my degree, we have been doing up the house, we brought new sofas last week and got a new bed frame, coming tomorrow we will have our new office stuff and table and chairs, I am very excited!! Also my best friend gave birth to her baby a whole two weeks early or it might of been more, might of been a month, she is healthy and very cute!!
Okay dokey I am off to work on some more java for one of my assignments. Oh and I failed my driving test for the second time.
Originally published at
digital-damita.net. Please leave any
comments there.