A bee is never as busy as it seems; it’s just that it can’t buzz any slower.

Mar 02, 2011 06:59

Since my last blog post I have been so busy with uni­ver­sity work it is crazy, I even got an e-mail for grad­u­a­tion yes­ter­day and my exam timetable, I can­not believe that this is it! In less than 3 months I am going to be fin­ished, I am going to have a degree! How did that hap­pen, I swear it only feels like yes­ter­day I was whin­ing to my friend on the train say­ing that three years seems like a life time away and he turn­ing to me say­ing it will fly by, guess what it flew by!

I am still unsure what I am doing after my degree but I will be com­plet­ing my PGCE in ICT teach­ing just because it will help even if I don’t go into to teach­ing, I would really like to work in an E-learning area, I can­not believe how much I enjoy learn­ing about and cre­at­ing E-learning web­site and flash games, even if flash some­times makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a fork but so does any pro­gram­ming language.

So what does that leave me.. I now have two assign­ments due in and my 3rd year project draft report due in two weeks and it is nearly done just got to write bits up and then all I have is four exams.  I am get­ting quite emo­tional about it all, I’ve been back in edu­ca­tion after work­ing for full-time for five years now and it has been safe, now I have to go into the big scary world to work and earn some pennies.

Does every­one feel the same after fin­ish­ing col­lege or a degree? How did you feel?

New Sofa!

Myself and my best friend’s new baby girl.

Other than this sud­den panic about fin­ish­ing my degree, we have been doing up the house, we brought new sofas last week and got a new bed frame, com­ing tomor­row we will have our new office stuff and table and chairs, I am very excited!! Also my best friend gave birth to her baby a whole two weeks early or it might of been more, might of been a month, she is healthy and very cute!!

Okay dokey I am off to work on some more java for one of my assign­ments. Oh and I failed my dri­ving test for the sec­ond time.

Originally published at digital-damita.net. Please leave any comments there.

friends, house, driving, college/uni

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