Snowed in..

Dec 07, 2010 13:03

Wow we do not nor­mally get snow this early in the year but last week was just crazy, just after I had recov­ered from my ear infec­tion all ready to go back to uni­ver­sity, it snowed but I do have good news:


My post grad course is in teach­ing ICT at sec­ondary school level, I am on my way to becom­ing a teacher either sec­ondary school or maybe col­lege level.

So last week I was snowed in under a foot of snow, my hus­band and me spent most the time watch­ing films and I fin­ished off all my course­work for this term.



I could not believe how quickly the snow came down. Then on the Fri­day, some idiot smashed into my car as he was try­ing to get up a really steep hill and slide back­wards and smashed all my pas­sen­gers side door.  So in this foot of snow we had to dig the car out and drive it to the police sta­tion (lucky for us the neigh­bours saw what had hap­pened on the other side of the road and took down the reg num­ber of the guy who hit us, nope this wasn’t crazy next door who screams and shouts a lot, these were nice neighbours).

So now the car insur­ance and police are involved and the car is going to be fixed hope­fully next week.

Oh and I am not preg­nant so we are onto cycle 4 and month 5 but we are refer­ring to a fer­til­ity spe­cial­ist in March, so we will see.

I am so excited about Christ­mas and my break from uni.

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

house, boytoy aka husband, health, college/uni

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