Title: Musical Alchemy
sapphyre_kikyoTheme: Unison, to replace ostinato
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Warnings: yaoi, language, angst, movie spoilers
Disclaimer: I do not own Fullmetal Alchemist or any of the characters mentioned in the story.
Summary/Comments: Together Ed and Roy come together again. Written for
Other Musical Alchemy posts In unison, Ed and Roy made their way to the bedroom. For the first few steps Roy was in the lead, backing Ed towards the room, then they'd switch and Ed was nearly stepping on Roy's toes as they made their way to the back of the house.
Together they stripped each other. First Ed's brown coat (which still looked odd compared to the old red one), then Roy's blue uniform jacket. Then Ed's vest and Roy's white button up shit. Then Ed's shirt followed by Roy's under shirt. This was followed by Ed falling backwards on Roy's overly large bed, Roy landing with his hands on either side of Ed's face as he leaned down and kissed the younger man passionately.
Then came the boots, socks, pants, and finally the boxers. Roy took his sweet time taking Ed's boxers off. But as soon as they were gone, they were back to doing everything together. Touching, kissing, licking, tasting. It was only until it was time to go father that Roy took over.
Roy took his time after that, carefully preparing Ed for what lay ahead. And Ed didn't even protest, which only proved to Roy how much the younger alchemist cared for him. And how much he knew about sex. Which only made Roy wonder about what happened while Ed was gone.
He shook the thought away as he got ready to push into Ed.
~To be continued!