It's about time we found a good spot to plant this seedling of a home. It's not too far from
Einstien, but it's a safe distance away so that
Krillen won't always be around him, widdling off in 'nostalgia-lane'. If it's one thing that I can't stand; it's Krillen and his on-going rants about his past escapades with the brainiac. Sure, those stories were interesting the first 10 times he told me, but it becomes a little annoying after a while.
This house looks like a wreck... No sooner that I attempt the laundry like any normal house-wife-- the damned thing starts having a trouble and sprouting off suds everywhere. I bet
PrinceSmartAss would find that hilarious... Of course, should he say anything near the subject, I think he'll soon realize where the end of my foot is going.
Maron is taking to the new surroundings fondly. It's good to see her going outside, wallowing the peaceful settings around this area. I won't lie and say that I don't find it enjoyable... Just not of my particular taste for the most part. Call me a cynic-- sometimes, I don't like waking up to the sound of birds gawlding off every morning. If birds could understnad a thing I said, I'd tell them to shut the f*ck up.
I'm going outside to check on Maron.