Gift Fic for BloodyBromance

Oct 14, 2011 21:19

Title: Splendor in the Grass (I so totally didn't steal this title from that movie... No sir.)
Word Count: ~2,600
Rating: T
Author's Notes: FINALLY YOUR GIFT FIC IS DONE BABY, ENJOY! I apologize in advance regarding the ending.
Summary and Warnings: Tra-la-la, Loops and Jigs making out in the grass. Nothing else to say, really.

Just laying there on the cool, soft grass seemed to be enough for Lupin at the time. Surviving such an experience proved to be a little bit harder than usual and even he had to admit that, for a moment or two, he doubted he could fight against that so-called magician without getting gravely injured, or maybe worst. He had to thank his lucky stars for being able to figure out those microfilms.

There was only silence as he laid there, his nose still hurting a bit from hitting that glass wall. Fujiko sure was quick to act when it came stop his romantic advances.

Immerse on his thoughts, he barely noticed Jigen taking a place by his side, and only acknowledged it when he heard his partner clear his throat very lightly.

"Heh... What a probation, hm?" Lupin had a jokingly tone on his voice as he put his hands behind his arms. "But we did it."

Jigen raised one of his eyebrows in mild confusion. "Us? Aren't you giving me too much credit? I don't remember doing much." Pulling his hat over his eyes to shield them completely from the sun that was still up high, the gunman rested his hands on his chest, waiting for an explanation from his partner.

"If you did or not, that's not the case. Besides, it's not like you could do much, don't you think?" Lupin grinned to himself, his body involuntarily scooting closer to Jigen's.

"You are thanking me for what then? For keeping you company?" The gunman shrugged, not really noticing how the other man was just an inch away from him.

"Could be. In the end, you are the only one that's always around, right?" There was a particular softness to Lupin's voice that wasn't usual of him, which made his partner raise his brow again.

A light sigh of frustration left Jigen's lips before he spoke. "Well, God only knows in what kind of mess you would get if I wasn’t around to keep an eye on you." The gunman didn't like playing 'babysitter' to a full grown man, but if that was necessary to keep Lupin away from even more trouble, or to keep him from dying in a reckless way, then Jigen would continue to do it, no matter what.

"C'mon now, I can take care of myself just fine. You just worry too much." With no hesitation Lupin caught one of Jigen's hands, fingers entwining. "You should be glad I'm still alive."

There was some surprise on Jigen's part as his hand was caught like that. Certainly not something he was expecting from his partner. But that wasn't enough to send his eyes wide or his eyebrows shooting up.

"I'm surprised I didn't have to save you from certain death." Jigen grunted, eyes moving behind the brim of his hat so then they could stay fixed on Lupin.

"I'm good at staying alive I guess." That inch of distance between them was finally gone when Lupin moved even closer, his arm against Jigen's. "And stop glaring at me as if I did something wrong."

Another grunt as the gunman tried to disregard the proximity between him and the thief. Strangely enough, that was far from uncomfortable, when taking into consideration how much Jigen didn't like having his personal space being invaded. And the fact that Lupin could see his judgmental stare even from behind his hat wasn't as shocking as it should be. Maybe he was getting to know that thief a little bit too well.

"Are you really going to give me the silence treatment?" Lupin joked, his face buried against Jigen's shoulder as he softly closed the fingers he had entangled with his partner's. "I just said I appreciate that you are always around and you really have nothing to say in return?" There was a chuckle followed by a quick peck on the Jigen's cheek, which finally got a reaction of surprise from the gunman.

"Stop fooling around." Jigen turned his head to look at anywhere but Lupin's face, but didn't move away, nor pushed the thief's hand away from his own. There was something nice about all that. He didn't quite know what, but it was enough to keep him there, and that was quite the achievement on Lupin's part.

Chuckling lightly, Lupin moved again, his lips now close enough to Jigen's ear so his breathing could be felt against the gunman's skin. "I'm not fooling around. I'm being pretty damn serious right now." Lupin's voice was barely audible but it still send vibrations into Jigen's eardrums, making him tense briefly.

The flicker of Lupin's tongue against Jigen's ear made the gunman get stiff for a brief moment, but when the thief started sucking on his earlobe he had to silent a quiet groan that tried to leave his throat.

"What do you think you are... doing?" Jigen paused briefly before finishing his sentence as he felt a jolt all over his body when Lupin bit and pulled on his ear ever so softly. And still Jigen stayed put. How, not even the gunman knew. Any other day he would have pulled his gun and pointed it at his partner for doing something ridiculous like that. Maybe it was the fear of losing Lupin that got him to allow such a thing? Knowing that maybe tomorrow he wouldn't be there anymore to be by his side? It could very well be it.

"I'm doing what I want to, as I always do." Lupin said, mildly mocking Jigen's question as his free hand moved to remove the hat from the gunman's head. "And you should stop wearing this hat once in a while. It blocks my vision of your eyes." Lupin moved his hand to Jigen's chin, guiding his partner's head so then he would look at him. The thief was now looking straight into the gunman's dark brown irises, thanks to the fact that his usually eye-covering bangs were combed back.

The gunman could see a certain sparkle on Lupin's eyes, and the kind he didn't see all that often. He wanted to say something in response to that comment about his hat but he just couldn't find the right words to do so. So Jigen just limited himself to be sort of fascinated - and even slightly intimidated - by that stare.

"You are always so quiet. Sometimes I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing." Lupin closed his eyes, completely obstructing Jigen's vision from that hypnotic sparkle, as the thief moved to stay on top of the gunman, his knee now resting between his partner's thighs.

There was a brief moment of stillness while Lupin just stayed there, half laid on top of Jigen, his breathing slow and his eyes still closed. The only thing to happen at that moment was that a soft, cool breeze blew through that large patch of grass were they were, causing Lupin's jacket to flutter a little.

"Still nothing, hm?" Lupin asked, burying his face against Jigen's chest.

"Hm? Nothing?" The gunman couldn't help but ask back, certainly not knowing what Lupin meant with that.

"At this point you would have pulled your Magnum already and would be pointing it at my head." Lupin placed a fingertip on Jigen's collar, moving it to the tie knot and sliding it down a little to undo it. "Why are you letting me do this?"

There was a long pause as Jigen pondered about that question. Why was he allowing things to go that way? Better yet, why was he letting that unfold with no resistance on his part? He was supposed to be the 'breaks' on that relationship and still...

"You saying you want me to stop you?" Jigen looked away again, not really wanting to admit he did want Lupin to go on with... whatever he was hatching inside that somewhat demented head of his.

Lupin laughed, finally letting go of Jigen's hand and placing both hands against the gunman's cheeks, his head raising again so then he could look at the gunman's face. "What kind of idiot would I have to be to want you to stop me?" The thief gave his partner a crooked, mocking smile before leaning forward and planting a brief kiss on his lips. "Heh... itchy." Lupin backed away a little, moving one if his hands so then he could twirl Jigen's beard with his index finger.

Didn't take long for the thief to go for another kiss, this time with a little bit more intent. If his partner wasn't going to offer resistance, better take good advantage of such an unique situation. When he felt Jigen's lips parting ever so slightly and that hot breath against his mouth, he knew that was the 'green light' he was waiting for. Without hesitation nor warning, Lupin pushed his tongue past Jigen's lips and teeth, his head tilting to the side a little bit so then he could find a better angle.

The taste of high-grade bourbon and Pall Malls was imprinted all over Jigen's palate, but Lupin didn't really mind. It wasn't like his own taste was any better with all the cigarettes he smoked himself. Brushing his fingers behind his partner's ear, the thief moved his tongue lazily, intending to brush it against every single inch of the insides of Jigen's mouth.

All the while, the gunman's hands didn't move an inch. They were still resting by the side of his body, only occasionally tensing slightly when those fingers behind his ear hit a good spot. On the other hand, his tongue was moving quite a lot, as if trying to make Lupin act a little bit faster with that kiss. Much to Jigen's dismay though, instead of speeding up, Lupin interrupted the kiss, backing away a little while licking his own lips.

"You are actually a good kisser. Who would have thought?" The thief joked, eyes opening again to look straight into his partner's once more.

Jigen felt his entire body tingle as he was stared at like that. A sensation that only grew stronger when Lupin placed his lips against his neck, brushing them against his skin almost too softly. Was he really going to keep teasing him like that?

"Why are you so stiff? You know you can touch me, right?" Lupin chuckled against Jigen's neck, the vibration of his voice enough to send shivers all over the gunman's body.

With no hesitation, Jigen moved one of his hands to place it on Lupin's back, the tip of his fingers running up and down his partner's spine. Unconsciously, as Lupin started to kiss and suck on his neck, Jigen moved his hand lower and lower, until his hand was resting atop of the thief's rear. When Lupin bit the curve of his neck, Jigen couldn't help but press his fingers against Lupin's flesh, and the thief let out a somewhat quiet grunt in response, followed by a smile.

"I like this... Keep doing it." Lupin whispered, one of his hands going once again to Jigen's collar to finish undoing his tie, which was finally discarded by their side. Proceeding to open the first two buttons on Jigen's shirt, Lupin's hand slipped inside it, the tip of his index finger tentatively rubbing and pressing one of the gunman's nipples. His effort was rewarded with a soft groan and another hard squeeze of his buttcheeks, and he was more than happy with that.

Inside his mind, Jigen didn't how far Lupin was planning to go with that, but he hoped that his partner wasn't only teasing him to get a good laugh at it afterwards. Of all the things Lupin could do, building him up like just to leave him aside would be just too cruel. Although, Jigen was took away from his thinking thanks to a long and somewhat strong suck on his neck. He wasn't expecting Lupin to do anything that could 'leave a mark', but he was obviously wrong. Not that he had something against it. At that very moment, he had no implications whatsoever as to what Lupin wanted to do.

While Jigen's mind was floating in thoughts, Lupin quietly smiled to himself, before nibbling on the curve of the gunman's neck, which resulted in a few stifled moans. "Maybe I should try something stronger." Lupin whispered mostly to himself, lips brushing against his partner's skin before his teeth sank into it, biting it stronger than before. Jigen's body spasmed for a brief second, the combination of those teeth puncturing his skin, more or less, and Lupin's finger still working on his nipple was enough to make him feel like as if his nerves went into overdrive, an almost uncomfortable warmth growing from inside his body as he somewhat accidentally let out a louder groan.

"So, you like it rough, hm?" Lupin teased, his tongue circling the fresh bite marks on Jigen's skin. "I guess it's true what they say about the quiet ones..." Moving his free hand to the front of his partner's shirt, the thief finally undid all the buttons. "They always say the quieter ones are also the wildest. And I bet you are a real beast." Lupin chuckled, giving Jigen a peck on the lips before going for another slow, long kiss.

The knuckles on the thief's hands brushed softly against the gunman's skin, as he stopped rubbing that already hard nipple and moved his hand lower, his hand resting near the band of his partner's trousers. There was a quiet clicking sound as Lupin undid Jigen's belt, before his fingers opened up the sole button behind it, followed by the zipper. The thief could feel his partner much trembling under his touch, and that was incredibly amusing. He didn't he could get such a quick response from the gunman.

Slightly breaking the kiss, Lupin sucked and bit on Jigen's lower lip, one if his fingers teasingly pulling on the band of the gunman's underwear, almost daring to pull it down but not really doing so.

"Hmm... I'm so hungry..." Lupin breathed against Jigen's lips, his voice a barely audible whisper. The gunman could feel his whole body shiver as he heard that single line, his fingers pressing strongly against the thief's rear as his hips bucked forward so then his partner would take off that stupid underwear at once...

And then Lupin moved away to sit by his friend's side.

Extremely transfixed by that, Jigen barely had the time to react to it. Before he knew it Lupin was already getting ready to get up, leaving him lying on the grass all turned in and with his clothes all messy... What was even going on? He wasn't going to...

"Whe-where do you think you are going?" Jigen sat up straight, cheeks flushed. The tone in his voice was one of near desperation. The possibility of Lupin leaving midway did cross his mind, but he didn't think he could be that much of an asshole.

"I just told you. I'm hungry. I'm going out to get me something to eat. Haven't had any decent meal since that guy showed up and I'm not eating that... thing that's on the fridge." Lupin smiled, quickly getting up with a single impulse of his legs.

"I... well I thought you meant... I mean by that..." Sure thing Jigen understood something completely different when Lupin said he was 'hungry' while sucking on his lips and threatening to pull down his briefs. Although, he should have known that his partner had some devious trick up his sleeve.

"Who said I didn't mean it both ways?" Lupin put his hands behind his head, while giving Jigen an impish smile. "I just can't go on with this on an empty stomach. But you just wait here and, when I come back, you are going to be my dessert." Lupin laughed lightly to himself before walking away, not looking back at the perplexed, wide eyed Jigen staring at him.

!ooc, fanfic

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