The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! Created by
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bzoink!What is your favorite..gumbig redrestaurantMcDonaldsdrinkcolaseasonsummertype of weatherSunemotionHyperthing to do on a half daysleeplate-night activitychatting to peoplesportbasketballcityquitmanstorecare helpWhen was the last time you..criedlong time agoplayed a sportlong time agolaughed5 minutes agohugged someoneyesterdaykissed someonea yearfelt depressedyesteredfelt elatedyesteredfelt overworkedyesteredfaked sicktodayliedtodayWhat was the last..word you saidketchupthing you atehamburgersong you listened toThe Moffatts "walkingbehind"thing you drankcokeplace you went towalmartmovie you saw50 first datesmovie you rentedthe setting sunconcert you attendednoneWho was the last person you..huggeddoriscried overDavekissedI forgot his namedanced withno oneshared a secret withPamhad a sleepover withAliciacalledTinawent to a movie withI forgot his namesawmy momwere angry withmy momcouldn't take your eyes off ofEricobsessed overDave MoffattsHave you ever..danced in the rainyeahkissed someoneyeahdone drugsyeahdrank alcoholyeahslept aroundnopartied 'til the sun came upnohad a movie marathonyeahgone too far on a dareyeahspun until you were immensely dizzyyeahtaken a survey quite like this beforeyeah
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