I was once a fanfiction author. Back in my heyday, I used to write for anime and video game canons (and later the Sharpe series by Bernard Cornwell, a resident of Chatham, Massachusetts), but I realized that working on something original was far more fulfilling and fun, so I stopped writing it for the most part. I also was sick and tired of Mary Sues ruining the fandom - making up a character just so that you can pretend you're marrying (or having sex with) your favorite canon character is just stupid. No, your Pink Hat Estrella Christina Isabella Moonstar is never going to marry Jacoby Ellsbury.
That's because, according to
this article, he's going to marry Clay Buchholz instead.
Why did I mention fanfiction? After I stopped writing it, I realized that writing MSTs was far more entertaining. I'd been reading them for some time, and every so often I'd try my hand at one or two. I haven't written one in some time, but this article is asking for it...I might actually do it. The article also reads like a bad piece of fanfiction anyway: after all, it contains the line "The beds softened as the men hardened." Wow. It reminds me of my days on Fanfiction.net - how nostalgic! I've never been one of those people who reads romance novels (although I've heard they're a cheap laugh, so I might have to check them out someday just for the humor content and bad sex scenes), nor did I ever really get into romantic fanfiction (although I have been told by my friends, embarrassingly enough, that I can write a damn good piece of fluff). However, I might as well start now. I used to only MST pieces with Mary Sues in them, as Mary Sues made things painfully easy, but this just has to be done. I mean, we knew Jacoby and Clay were best friends already, but this takes it to a whole new level (a level sort of like
(I promise that video does not feature Justin Masterson or Rick Astley.)
I am also seriously tempted to let the DSRL boys in on the fun - I might make this my first illustrated MST. That would take a bit of time, though, which I don't have too much of right now...but it's still very, very tempting. Either way, I can still use them without actually drawing them, but it'd be so fun...
And to close (no pun intended), for humor of a completely different kind, we turn to Globe photographer Jim Davis:
Any fan at Ft. Myers who doesn't recognize that as Jonathan is stupid. You can see his hair! Someone tell him that...