Last night was yet another late night for me, but not because of schoolwork. I stayed up to watch the Padres-Rockies game, and I must say it was worth it. The game actually made it to thirteen innings. I thought the Padres had it after they scored two runs in the top of the inning, but the Rockies came back with three of their own (okay, so the third one was somewhat controversial, but it's too late now) to win it. The only downside to this was that if the Padres had managed to hold on the winning pitcher would have been named Thatcher. Believe me, it was incredibly difficult not to laugh and wake up my roommate.
My apologies to Dustin Thatcher, who I'm sure is sick of all of the ways I am linking him to Major League Baseball by this point. The Pedroia thing is still the more uncanny one, anyway, and it remains my favorite, especially considering how much I adore Pedroia. Speaking of Pedroia, there's a lovely article on him on today
right here. There's also an audio file in which Amalie Benjamin discusses him, which I actually signed up for free access to the website for. I had considered signing up previously, as you can only access so much without signing up, but it took something involving Pedroia to get me to do it. I am that bloody devoted.
I bought the Papelbon Sports Illustrated cover today. I was in the college bookstore getting a Frisbee, and I looked over and it was there. I grabbed it, clutched it to myself and purchased it without thinking. (As a special bonus, I also get the pop culture grid in which Pedroia claims he doesn't know how to read. Fun stuff.)
Oh, and one more thing: a little complaint. Why is it that my lightest homework nights come on off-days? I have nearly no homework tonight, and there's no baseball to worry about now. That's just not fair, especially considering that the day after Josh Beckett's first postseason start this year I have a sociology midterm. Personally speaking, Josh is just that much more entertaining...