Look, I have internet access in the Archives now! This is very useful.
Really, I just wanted to share something amazing that I found today when I was looking through court-martial records. I found a few others involving rheumatism, which goes along very nicely with my thesis, and I came across what might be the Coolest Thing Ever.
I hope you can see that image, because the internet at the Archives doesn't always like to let me see uploaded pictures (anything on Photobucket, for instance, is blocked, including everything I've uploaded there). Anyway, this is a picture of a part of one of the court-martials. It was originally encased in this envelope, which has a handwritten note from General Meade on there. And see underneath that, where it says 'sentence remitted?' Yeah, that's Lincoln's signature on there, too. He had the Army drop the charges and restore this particular soldier to duty.
Being a historian is one of the coolest jobs in the whole world.
(If you can't see the image, you can check it out on my Tumblr