friends cut:
if your name is on this list i'd appreciate if you'd 1) take me off your friends list as well or 2) comment here (they'll be screened) if you want to continue reading my entries/being on my list. this is mostly for journals that never update, people who never talk with me or people whose interests have grown apart from mine. there are no hard feelings, i promise!
0ne_trashylifeagirlnotaheroblonde_inside88breaknamecoconutviconspiracy_xxglowinthedark28inkrunsjustpanicbabyletspaniclevel27chick04linchoochuliquidsugarxlosinguniquelumniscientmoonstone_rosemusiclover33noteto__selfonlyataxidermyuponxstringyoufeelittoo remember, just comment here if you feel like this isn't fair. i promise there are no hard feelings, we just don't talk/you never update/our interests are different now.