(no subject)

Nov 16, 2006 17:16

Not to be a downer again, but its easier to think these things through if I write them out:

I'm realizing how close-minded my highschool was. We weren't hateful or spiteful or cruel, but we were almost apathetic. Sports and school were the big things, and music and theatre. Maybe because it was such a small town in some ways, and the town was set up such separated communities, but it feels like there was no diversity of anything. I mean, we had a few mulitcultural students, and there was a GSA, but no one ever paid attention to those sorts of things. Maybe that's the culture. Maybe I'm just noticing these almost inequities now that I'm experiencing other things for the first time. Maybe that's just how high school is.

I feel like it could be more though. I'm glad my sister doesn't care that she'll miss her senior year, and she could have been captain. She'll experience way more of life -c-e-n-s-o-r-e-d- and she won't have to deal with as many of the pressures to fit into the mold of high school. But when you don't fit into the mold, you're pushed into a box were you need to be different.

I don't want the need to be different. I want us all to be people.

You say black I say white
You say bark I say bite
You say shark I say hey man
Jaws was never my scene
And I dont like star wars
You say rolls I say royce
You say God give me a choice
You say lord I say christ
I dont believe in peter pan
Frankenstein or superman
All I wanna do is
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