Всё. Теперь я тоже не Сергей.

Jul 10, 2012 07:26

Dear LiveJournal user 183cm,

We have received a report, properly formatted under the provisions set forth by United States law, indicating that one or more of your userpics violates the copyright of another. Specifically, any images which was directly taken or manipulated based on images of the user holy_mozart. We have suspended these images.

Please be aware that using another person's images in violation of their copyright, as a form of impersonation, or as a means of harassment are all violations of LiveJournal's Terms of Service. Similar actions in the future will result in further action being taken against your account.

LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team

можно расслушать только на 125ый раз, калично — значит неординарно, анечкаблоггер, резать и жечь, мудаки, это скандал!

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