Apr 20, 2008 11:19
reading for week 4:
theories & aspects of revolution:
•Popkin: a short history of the French Revolution
•Goldstone: Revolutions, pp. 106-153
politics of the southern cone:
•Miscellaneous articles: 5 in reader, 2 in SD online reserves
intro comp. poli.:
• Chapters on authoritarianism, democracy
•2 articles from reader (and catch-up from second week: Herbst & Rotberg)
central american lit.:
•Miscellaneous short stories, poems: 30 reader pages
•film and video reserves: voces inocentes (see before the rush)
•response paper #2 for wednesday
•chapters on GI track, respiratory system, water
other errands:
•printing of various articles on campus
•buy printer ink (HP 92)
•print airplane ticket; find ride to airport on friday
•make pesach-friendly foods for the week (twice baked potatoes and more matzah balls; salad makings)
•make it to the gym; remember to stretch back out thoroughly
•fill out application form for new apartment; call parents re: apartment
...it all seems much more approachable when written out in list form.