Mar 18, 2004 07:11
yesterday was alright i guess...well when u think about sucked, i had to drink some nasty stuff for thie esophagram thing to see if i have acid reflex disease, it was gross, then i went to school and had to disect the pig, then i got picked up after school and went to the dentist and they told me i have the start of 7 cavaties b/c my orthodontist never told me you have to brush your teeth everytime u eat something with sugar in it befor u put the invisalign back in, im gonna kill myself, i went out to dinner with my mom and jerry and it was fun to go to an irish restaurant and watch all the drunk ppl do shots and stuff, i kept taking my moms drink and she didn't say anything then jerry saw me and was like "jess!, ur gonna get us kicked out of here" hes dumb lol, i still had fun with them losers tho hehe, so that made my day better...but then!
we got home late last night so i slept in this morning and missed the bus and my mom wont drive me to school so i have to wait for when chris goes in which is like 3rd period and im gonna miss math again, damn homie, and i yelled at my mom, if someones kid missed there bus usually the parents drive them in cause they dont want them to miss school, but nooo, my mom cares about having to drive there and waste a half hour of her day and waste gas, and its just because we live in gananda, i hate gananda fuckers, school better not suck ass today