mayfield app, in progress

Dec 19, 2010 22:41

Name: Hedge
Personal LJ: fightingbishie
Contact Info:
Other Characters Played: Chizuko Mikamo ((grand_theft_moe
Preferred Housing: -

Character Name: The Doubtful Guest
Character Series: Amphigorey
Character Age: unknown (will be a pet anyway)
Background: This is its entire canon.
Personality: There are a number of mysteries about The Guest (its true name and gender, for instance, or whether or not it even uses such concepts) that I intend to keep largely mysteries. The incomprehensibility of some of its actions is one of the main source's of the creature's funniness. Also the canon is somewhat scanty. Many of the things in this section will be either headcanon or extrapolations from that short material.

The Guest is not native to this world. It's a refugee from somewhere where things work in different ways and it doesn't quite care enough about your Earthling rules to follow them, at least in the realm of normal behavior. It regards humans in the same way most people think of objects. This doesn't mean it's incapable of feeling attachment to living creatures, but this attachment will be the same kind of attachment one feels for, say, a favorite pair of shoes.

Conversely, it is capable of feeling a great deal of affection for objects. If it meets an object of which it becomes fond, it will often take it someplace "safe" and watch out for it. If you harm that object, expect it to react the same way most people would if you harmed someone they care for.

Although the nature of it is unclear, The Guest tends to do things with a clear sense of purpose. Although the acts it engages in appear to human eyes to be little more than petty acts of vandalism, to it they are serious buisiness and will be treated as such. It seems to be building towards some kind of incomprehensible design. There's a method to its seeming madness, in other words.

The guest can be rather temperamental and will react to slights, real or percieved, with an excess of peevishness. The slighter will often find all their towels stolen, their books and curtains ripped up, and their clothes half devoured.

The Guest is a creature of habit, and likes certain things to happen at certain times throughout the week. It will become quite upset if, for instance, it is not allowed to pour food coloring into the top part of the toilet every wednesday at 12:48 PM. Conversely, it also enjoys experiencing new things, and when it finds something that interests it, will expend all its energy to get close to, learn more about, and possibly eat parts of the object of its interest.

Abilities: The guest has a near superhuman digestive system. It is capable of not just consuming a number of normally inedible objects, but actually appreciating their taste.

It also has some ability with the strange Lovecraftian magic native to its homeworld. This style of magic involves the collection of seemingly unrelated items and 'sacrificing' them to create one-time effects. The Guest rarely uses this skill, as it does not wish to sacrifice its beloved things.

Sample Entry: