Jan 22, 2005 01:30
Trevor: Hey feeling better?
Alicia: Somewhat
Trevor: Ok is there no chance for us to start again but off slowly?
Alicia: Well I feel like it is less having to take it slow then it is having to still talk out all the bullshit we both caused
Trevor: Ok I know that I will never find someone as good as you are to me ever since you cut your hair and started to open up I want you bad I miss you
Alicia: What hurts is that I told you that that day on the phone and you still said no
Trevor: I know I am dumb I miss watching Tv with you and talking on the way to work and fighting over the radio station
Alicia: Me too and theother night Mo started snoring and I missed you...her snoring just wasn't the same
Trevor: I don't think I'll ever meet a girl that would sleep on the couch with me
Alicia: Just me and never forget it this is the 2nd timeweve had to get back together b/c you didn't appreciate me
Trevor: You did not open up until we split up I like the new you
Alicia: I'm still the same person
Trevor: but you are acting more sociable
Alicia: I don't want to talk anymore...I am getting really upset and I really don't want to end up crying...I'll talk to you tomorrow
Trevor: Ok good night