I hate this disconnection, this wanting to jump out of my skin. this not being able to do anything.
Paris is my roommate. she has recently become addicted to online monopoly, providing not only hours of entertainment for herself, but for me as well, because I get to listen. I will be sitting on my bed, lazily doing nothing, when suddenly the air is peppered with outcries that make me laugh so hard my stomach hurts. Such gems include:
"that's right, go to jail, bitch!"
"oh, you will pay me!"
"did I just go bankrupt?!"
"looks like you're gonna have to mortgage those greens, haha!"
I'm telling you. it's hahahilarious.
she also send me IMs from across the room:
pearuhsaurus (1:33:04 AM): holy crap marker stealers
pearuhsaurus (1:33:17 AM): i almost always write carp when i write crap
snapcracklemaree (1:33:23 AM): like the fish?
pearuhsaurus (1:33:29 AM): ya know
but I'm fine. everything's fine. and I feel good about it.
I've got lots to look forward to.
this weekend in particular has promise.
there will be hedwig, enhanced, hurrah.
there will be the football game, and hopefully celebration, whether we win or lose.
people in the hall are screaming. screeching is more like it.
I haven't worn my rubberbands in weeks.