where the hell did the summer go!?

Jul 20, 2005 23:50

the summer has been pretty amazing so far. i cant believe that july is almost over.. i remeber writting in here saying how it doenst feel like it could be march already, wow that just seems like last month that i said that.  this year has been pretty amazing, its crazy to think everything that has happened in this year already, and still many things are to come. im already very excited for next year, it should start off  great!!

this summer has been one of the best summer for sure. i love all the poeple that im hanging out w/ it. they are all sooo funny.   so far i have seen a lot of people from school. and why would 3 people have parties on weekdays?!? hello some people have to be up early! ha. oh well...  liz and i stoped by kyles for a little bit, which im glad we did. i got to see griffin again! not to mention jon mellow!! it was great seeing them all again.

last weekend was pretty good. liz and i went to rays on fri and sat. they are so much better than i remember. ian and marcus are so funny, i dont know what it is about them, but i love'em. (but shhh dont tell ian that he should be a model.. it will go to his head, plus he probably already knows.. rigght liz??)

i would have never guessed in a million billion years my summer would have turned out the way it did. some things i would never change. and maybe somethings i would...

i dont think things could be going any better. well in some major situations they could be.. but besides that. im very happy where i am right now in my life. 
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