(no subject)

May 15, 2013 06:25

This is flowervillage's idea. All credit goes here them. I also took from Kazuha's journal.

: Hate/intense dislike

: Doesn't know what to make of you/SUSPICIOUS OF YOU FOR SOMETHING

: Acquaintance/getting to know you.

: Kind of liking you/Friends

: Good Friends

: BFF/Family/Will die to protect.

: Maybe, kind of crushing? (I will probably never use this unless Ran shows up. Or maybe on Haibara depending.)
*: They know the secret.

CANON RELATIONSHIPS                     

Toyama Kazuha

He knows her originally through Hattori. During his time on the island, he has come to regret that for the most part he ignored her back home because Kazuha seems to have the tendency to say just the right thing to make him want to kick himself without knowing she does it. He was forced to admit he's involved in something dangerous, but he's hoping their agreement that as long as he doesn't avoid her, she won't press him about it or talk to others. He's terrified she'll somehow find out the truth because A, it'll put her in danger, and B, she'd probably kill him because she probably won't be happy to hear Kudo Shinichi wasn't that far from Ran. He feels bad for having to lie to her and doesn't like making her have to 'care' for him and worry about him because she thinks he's seven. Though he is quite happy he can talk with someone about Sherlock Holmes.

Kuroba Kaito
Kaito had unnerved Conan at first. He thought it might have been the resemblance at first, but over time, he determined it wasn't just that. However, that was at first and now everything makes sense. After the Angel Event, in which a comment from Kaito and the white hang glider and Conan showing Kaito his glasses has no prescription, the two have admitted their other identities to each other. And Kaito being Kaitou Kid explains exactly why the other unnerved him. Because of this revelation, Conan's opinion on Kaito has changed. He has great respect for Kaitou Kid (and even a sort of fondness) and also a great deal of trust. Basically, he sees if there's a problem he REALLY can't do on his own, Kaito is a real possibility to go to for help. It is also why he trusts Kaito with his identity because unlike most others who don't know, he trusts Kaito to both keep it a secret and take care of himself. He doesn't plan on sharing Kaito's other identity with anyone because he doesn't like the idea of beating Kid in anything besides a straight up heist. It simply wouldn't be satisfying. Besides, Kid's heists are fun and he's certainly not someone who was a threat to anyone's life. More so now than ever upon realizing that's an extremely high chance that the organization Kaito wants to bring down is the same or somehow related to the Black Organization. Kaito is a full ally and is likely to get a lot of information regarding it from Conan since he just as directly involved as himself and Haibara.

Haibara Ai

This is the only person on the whole island he trusts completely. He knows she's rational, won't easily buy into fairy tales (like Kazuha), and most importantly, is paranoid about conspiracies just as much as him if not more so. He's also relieved that while isolated, there is someone who knows who he is and feels he can confide in. Even if he doesn't do it often, just the thought there is someone helps him more than he might ever admit. Haibara's presence also motivates him to find the truth behind the island even more. Both so she has a better place to work on a cure and because she is a source of encouragement as she knows who he is. He's also very concerned about protecting her and even if he gets found out, he won't easily talk about her being the same way. She's also one of the few on the island who will probably terrify him in some way consistently. (It should also be said that, even if people know HIS identity, he's not going to freely admit hers. That's her secret, not his.)

Mouri Ran

Yes, she does need that many hearts. Simply put? HEAD OVER HEELS IN LOVE WITH HER. She's his childhood friend and his love for her is so great it's not even funny. He's also hiding his identity for her because more than anything he does NOT want to put her in danger. He knows she can take care of herself, sometimes he's pretty sure she takes better care of herself than he does himself, and trusts her completely, but he hates the idea of her being in danger so much that he's willing to basically stab himself in the heart every time he lies to her to make sure she isn't in any. But it's so hard to do. Still, he loves her and wants to protect her and he's so very happy he could see her again. He plans to somehow bring Shinichi 'back' to the island. But, basically, in his eyes? Ran is the most amazing person ever. Yes, even compared to Holmes, she is amazing.

Hakuba Saguru
Oh god, this is a weird one. Conan does know Hakuba. He's met him on a total of two cases and he knows Hakuba is exceptionally clever. However, he does not trust Hakuba. At all. at least when it concerns the Black Organization. It didn't help Hakuba made a bad impression when he first arrived, poking and prodding at things Conan did NOT want prodded and basically having the Kazuha affect of giving his guilt a real work out, but manages to realize it and push even MORE. However, Hakuba is on the fringe of the case and that means Hakuba is not someone Conan can just ignore. And after talking to Kaito and ONLY because of what Kaito said about Hakuba did he decide to test Hakuba. If not for Kaito, he wouldn't have entertained the idea at all. Hakuba now knows Conan is not who he pretends to be, but doesn't know who he really is. For the moment, Conan is watching him to see if he might be a good ally and if he could deal with how things are. Though he's not quite happy with how often Hakuba seems to be getting involved with the witches. =| That's dangerous territory he doesn't wish on anyone, no matter how annoying.



He...really isn't sure what to think of Aion anymore. The other made a bad impression with the demon and kidnapping thing and the always prying at the fact Conan isn't what he seems. He's someone smart and Conan recognizes that which just makes him more wary. However, after the Angel event, things have shifted. Conan is still all sorts of paranoid, but he has seen some genuine goodness in Aion. He's pretty sure Aion is a manipulator, but he's also positive Aion has a soft spot for kids, willing to risk getting caught by Angels to try and find them. Sooooo, he's more or less ready to give Aion the benefit of a doubt, but still being quite wary around him.

Asakura Kazumi

A very possible ally on the island. A pursuer of truth and seems very dedicated to her job, Conan found himself liking her a little bit for these traits. Though he questions her ability to disguise, but she is just a middle schooler. One of the few on the island he'll risk showing his detective side in front of because he wants whatever information he can get and with her being a new arrival and so young, she's probably one of the more reliable sources on new developments. He hopes. When she started talking about magic, he started to question his choice in making her a 'partner in crime.' Also wary she might hug him again. (Her notes lie.)


At first, Conan thought Beatrice was just totally nuts. However, over time, his opinion has changed. Oh, he still doesn't believe she's a witch. In fact, despite the fact she was one of the ones who helped him accept the utter insanity of the Island enough to actually work through the confusion, he is absolutely certain she is not a witch and will never admit she is one. However, he also believes shes completely innocent in the Rokkenjima case. Beatrice is fun to play with. She challenges his mind and like Kaitou Kid in his world, she is a break from the more 'serious' cases to let himself actually have fun in his deduction. She is also the second person he's met where motive is something he definitely wants to figure out. Over all the time together, with their games and events, he's learned a lot about Beatrice. Far more than she ever intended and because of it, he's certain he figured out her motivations at least vaguely as well as what type of person Beatrice is. That's why she does honestly consider her a friend even if he won't easily admit it. More than that, he wants Beatrice to succeed in what she's trying to do with Rokkenjima because he's pretty sure she wants Battler to figure out the game board. Currently he's on his way in doing that by agreeing to help Beatrice in dealing with Bernkastel and Lambdadelta and has formed a 'Golden Land' with her. They still play their game for fun though.  Her laugh also freaks him the hell out.


Conan doesn't believe she's a witch, but he wouldn't be a detective if he couldn't recognize a threat. And meeting the two 'Voyager Witches' raised his hackles. He recognizes they're a threat and he's not letting his guard around them. Especially with Bernkastel's admitted goals concerning Beatrice that got her a bit extra dislike than Lambdadelta. However, due to there not being a jail on the island, he knows he has to play things carefully. So whenever he faces the witches, it's full on kid mode until the time comes to show some of his hand. Of course, he never intends to show it all.


Crona is one of the few people he wasn't automatically suspicious of. Either Crona would be the best damn actor ever, or Crona wasn't knowingly lying. The person who first brought up the language oddity of the island. Thinks Crona could do with some confidence and really shouldn't eat strange food. He likes having met someone though he doesn't automatically feel suspicious of or confused by their nature of existence. He still hasn't quite determined what gender he thinks Crona is though. Crona is definitely someone he sees as a good person and he's starting to like....them. Still needs that confidence though.


Conan honestly respects him. He thinks it's great he's such a good big brother type and protective of kids. He just doesn't like it when he's being all big brother AT HIM. But as long as he can provide getting the feeling of being 'taken care of,' he's pretty sure he'd be okay around Crow. Because of Crow's affinity for kids, he's going to try and be careful around him, hoping to convince Crow that all he is is a strange child instead of a lying child since he's already proven he's not normal. Crow is also the person who got Conan to think beyond 'the people of the island are crazy' and caused a major guilt trip for him. Conan has opened his mind more to what might really be going on on the island because of this. He's still not sure what's up with the card games though. He'll also tell Crow he's going to explore ruins.


SO much do not want here. At the time of meeting her, Conan had NO CLUE who she was even though he could deduce she was from Rokkenjima. She is childish to the extreme and a brat and while he's cautious about her, he's not so much worried about her as Beatrice is. Why? Because he deals with childish, brattish behavior everyday ever since he got shrunk so is pretty effective at dealing with it. Especially when she's like a kid with a new toy and is easily distracted. He has hopes if he plays it right, he might even be able to manipulate her. Which....he's probably not gonna tell Beatrice he's planning because as he finds with allies back home, perhaps it's best to leave some things out to ensure things don't go haywire from a pile up of paranoia. Hopefully he'll be better at it now that he knows EVA-Beatrice's story. Though he really doesn't like her at all. Especially after that whole cake and jello thing.

Furudo Erika

Oh, this is a complicated one. Conan was happy to meet a detective at first, but upon finding out she was Battler's replacement, he was immediately on edge. He did NOT like this fact. However, two factors came into play. One was she had the idea of 'being furniture' and since Conan doesn't believe the witches of Rokkenjima are witches, he thinks furniture are people who have been manipulated and really more like brainwashed people than true servants. The second was she asked him from a true detective was and seemed to take his words to heart. Conan had been trying to determine whether to take her as an enemy or perhaps someone to try and help and those two factors helped him decide. He wants to help Erika become a real detective and to get out from under Bernkastel. And he's more than willing to become her friend to do it. Of course, he doesn't plan to reveal who he is or how intelligent he is, but he's made more than enough friends as Conan without doing that. Besides, she could be a fun friend to have.

Hyobu Kyosuke

There is so much HATE here. He hates, hates, HATES Hyobu. The guy is a jerk and a psycho and there is just so much bad. However, again there's the problem of no jail on the island, so he can't really do anything. So for now he just plans to avoid Hyobu. He mostly just denies the ESP thing because Conan still has pride and feels better to at least get on Hyobu's nerves.

Koiwai Yotsuba

She is CRAZY. Even for a little girl. Conan is actually kind of worried she'll do something to get herself seriously hurt one day. He's not sure if she's stupid, crazy, or just weird. Still, after he gets over that, he can't help, but feel  bit of a fondness for her. She's kind of a cute kid. Just...very, very worrying. Mostly pays attention to her because people are likely to make him play with her anyway.

Kururu Souchou

DOES NOT LIKE HIM AT ALL. He thinks Kururu is totally insane and really hates he doesn't know how to explain some of the stuff he does. Also hates the fact this guy says he knows him from three years ago and that he slipped he might not be the age he claims he was to him. He's trying to determine whether it's a better idea to avoid him or not. He begrudgingly accepted a disc from him about the island. He's studying it because, while he doesn't trust Kururu in the least, even with total fallacies there's some truth to be found. Though, over time, the dislike has kind of faded. Perhaps because the information IS lining up. He still doesn't really LIKE Kururu, but it's not quite as much as it was before. Nope, never mind. Totally dislikes him.


Like with Bernkastel, Conan recognizes a threat and Lambdadelta has it as well. Though not as strongly as Bernkastel does, Conan doesn't plan on letting his guard around her.

Maresato Alice

Conan thinks Alice has been watching far too many horror movies. Mostly paying attention to her for the fact he thinks he'll be forced to play with kids his 'own age.'

Narumi Ayumu

When CONAN thinks you need better people skills, you got problems. He recognizes Ayumu is intelligent and is a personality he could get along with rather well, but REALLY, he needs to let go of his pride some if he's willing to get attacked by bees than to give out a simple compliment. Has also found out some of the Blade Children by now and isn't...quite...sure what to make of it. Really, it sounds like a crazy cult and he's not quite sure how much Ayumu really believes it, or just goes with it because he's all =|. Buuuuut Ayumu also gave him coffee without a big hassle, which gets him instant bonus points.

Okami Amaterasu

Conan is unable to see Amaterasu as anything else, but a wolf because he's Conan and what is magic, seriously. However, he does recognize she is a very nice wolf and more intelligent than the usual stock. He's....not sure about what to make of the flowers though.


Surprisingly, does not think she's crazy! In fact, he doesn't know what to make of her period. She had proven herself a doll and he can't think of a logical way to explain her other than being a doll of some form. However, this oddity has helped him think more openly about the island when he accepted the idea there's more to it than insanity. Otherwise, he actually kind of likes her. She's smart, and pretty good to talk to and was more than understanding of his total 'buwah' when facing her. Kind of reminds him of Haibara, but less scary. He's still not sure what to make of that knowing him three years ago thing either.


Thought she was crazy at first, but Shinku has proven otherwise. At least for the doll thing. He thinks she's a brat and really needs to be taught a lesson. Which he's happy to provide by taking whatever dramatics she throws at him and turning it around on her. He's come to find her amusing, when she isn't driving him nuts and upon seeing some of her kinder side, is starting to think she's not as bad as she first seemed..

Tear Grants

He's suspicious of her. Since it was such a fight to get her to take him to the inn, he started to wonder about her own motivations. The fact she seems to be knowledge about the old places of the island and yet still sticks with the magic theory makes him more suspicious. And then there's the battleship she lives on that supposedly can't get people out of here. Then the whole being from another world entirely. And despite the good things he's heard about her, he hasn't interacted with her enough to get over his paranoid suspicions. Though with his new acceptance of the possibilities of the island, he might get over them better than before. And he will never tell her he's going to ruins. Ever. Upon talking to her, he's more willing to tell her about going to the ruins, so long as she doesn't prevent him from going.

Last updated: August 29th

kazumi, evatrice, ayumu, hakuba, beatrice, haibara, hyobu, ran, kururu, okami, kaito, crona, shiho, bernkastel, ooc, lambdadelta, erika, yotsuba, aion, tear, crow, alice, shinku, kazuha, suiseiseki, eva-beatrice

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