I wrote a rant about Michelle Leslie, but first it's a very special day in Monica's life. It's baby Tara's birthday! Yay! Happy birthday to Tara! How exciting is that? She's a year old now. Pretty soon she'll be talking, before you know it she'll be in school. How crazy!
I got her a couple of little presents which I'll send down once Mon confirms they're the right size (check your email babe).
And now, behind a cut, my rant.
From where I'm sitting I can overhear the news bulletin. They had a story on Michelle Leslie, and were broadcasting a speech made by her. Gore, she really pisses me right off. They had her dad on there saying "the way people have treated her is Un-Australian"... I don't think calling people un-Australian really has much effect. Especially not since most of the population either come from another country or wish that they did.
But she gets up there and talks about being Islamic, blah blah blah. You can't just profess to be a practicing and devout follower of a religion when its convenient for you. I have no problem with people not following all the rules of their religion, I do that myself, what I have a problem with is them going about doing all this shit because its convenient. When going into jail she wears a burka whilst in an Islamic country saying how she's been a devout Muslim for years, blah blah blah. But she's an underwear model! No devout Muslim would be any kind of model, much less an underwear model.
And then, when she gets out of jail, she's wandering around in a singlet top and tight jeans! That's innappropriate for a non-Muslim in an Islamic country, much less somebody who claims to be devout.
And after all that, she apologises for wearing the burka (but not for wearing revealing clothing) and says she'll never go to Bali again (not that she's never going to use drugs again).... I have doubts that she'll ever work again! Not after this reputation tarnish.
Well, that's my rant for today.