Ninomiya Kazunari! 1727yo.
I have nothing to offer. No graphics, no fanfiction, zilch. My hard drive kind of bailed on me so I have no access to my scans, and my brain’s… too dead to write.
This day was so incredibly normal. Got back my exam results, annoyed the heck out of my friends by asking them what they would do if I died next week, and my teeth clanged together on the way home cos it was freezing. I did my homework, which took me hours, and I’m about to watch Letters From Iwo Jima. That’s it. Oh yeah, Maths Methods was my first class today, and as I was writing the date on the right hand-side, I wrote 170683. I thought, That doesn’t look right… and I laughed when I realized my mistake.
I wonder what Nino did for his birthday. I have two theories - drinking out with Arashi and other JE boys, maybe even having a sempai treat him or… Nah, that’s my only theory.
/off to watch LFIJ!