May 06, 2008 23:59
Life always seems to fall into place just as I'm about to give it a good, solid upheaval. I've probably enjoyed the most relaxing week in a fabulously long time; as that most dastardly Property Law assignment went through the chute on Monday I made a promise to give myself some time off, and that I most certainly did. For one, I made a few trips across the Green Bridge in beautiful weather. It's that time of the year where everything is perfect - clouds that look like white-grey paintbrush strokes on the bluest canvas [almost like an abstract painting], a gentle breeze that caresses the hem of your skirt and the sun, bright enough to be welcoming but not warm enough to burn. I had a huge grin on my face as I walked across on Tuesday even though I was late for my lecture. My relatives came on Wednesday, and it's made me take a break and step back from life. We went down to the Gold Coast on the weekend, which was beautiful. It's always nice to get special treatment once in a while, even if just for your blood connections. It's not often we get to lavish in such luxury. Sunday was also a brilliant day, spending time with people from church and then Liz's party. There is such a feeling of community at the moment, something I want to inhale and let circulate around my body and treasure forever. We spent pretty much all of Monday on the City Cat, and by the end of it I was so relaxed you could have nudged me and I would have fallen into the river. It was beautiful, absolutely stunningly beautiful (my vocabulary is limiting me here); I love soaking up the sun and feeling the wind.
Simple things that I want to remember as I get back into the studying.