One More Eensy Weensy Thing

Oct 31, 2005 18:33

I forgot about some of you people.

When I was reading my userinfo, I was like-- "and who is this?". When I remembered who you were, I then thought, "Oh... I now remember why I forgot."

I'm not saying that to be mean, or insulting, or anything like that.

But I was reading some of your enteries, and I was quickly reminded of just why it was so easy to forget.

At what age do you seriously plan on growing up? One would think that at some point being a douchebag would be one of those things that you grow out of when you are rapidly approaching mid adulthood.

It simply does not matter how effing' cool you think your theatrics make you. When you are the best person in your circle of company, (socioeconomically, and educationally speaking) the game is pretty clear. Some people just like being the best, on top of everyonelse, some people like hanging out with people who make them feel so much better about themselves. Some people get a kick in the pants when they feel that the drole and childish comments they make really do make them look like some kind of quick witted intellectual. The truth is that sometimes its overkill, and it's tragic at best when you really are much smarter than the things you do and entirely smarter than the little credit you give to yourself.

It doesnt take alot of spending time with someone to realize who they are, and what they are made of. Some people simply won't change because they are comfortable being what they are as long as they think everyonelse is buying it. They think they're cool because they act like assholes, and if everyone around them thinks they are an asshole, they will respect them.

Meh, who am I kidding?

What's best is if we all run away from our problems. Even if it doesnt solve a damn thing. Especially when the problem is within us, all its going to do is follow us to wherever we go. To be truly happy, one must reconcile the restlessness within us and have a change of attitude.

Of course, this falls on deaf ears. You probably dont care what I have to say. That is all good and well. But I'll say it anyways, only because I am an objective observer and I speak with the good natured intention that you will one day wake up from your lolligagging around to realize your better potential.

I wish the best, I truly do. You're much too smart, at least I think somewhere inside that you are.
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