Hello everyone! It has come to our attention that people are not tagging their fics when they are posted.
Please make sure to use the appropriate tags when you post a fic on this community. I know some of you link to your own journals where your fics are located, and you probably tag the entries in your own journals, but your posts here need to be tagged as well.
As a reminder your tag needs to include the band[s] involved AND your theme set.
As an example: If you write a fic about Gackt x Hyde x Miyavi on the lyrics table, your tag may include the following: Gackt, Malice Mizer, S.K.I.N, Hyde, L'Arc~en~Ciel, Miyavi, lyrics etc. Obviously, if you want to tag something like that as Gackt, Hyde, Miyavi as they are all solo artists as well, that is perfectly okay. Just make sure you include some indication of the band involved and the table you are working from.
DO NOT put pairings in your tags as they will be removed.
idoitforlove and I have already had to edit several posts that did not include tags so it would be very helpful for everyone to just double check that they have their tags in there. ^_____^
One last note: You can always look at the tags on the side if you are unsure. As there are only a few tags that have been used so far, you can always ask one of us if you are unsure as to how you should tag your fic. Even though we feel it's a simple task that probably won't cause issues amongst most people, we're friendly and don't mind helping if you need it.
Thanks for your attention and please continue writing!!!