( ) buy me a drink if I didn't have money? i cant buy a drink any more than you can. (x) take me home for the night? if you were in portland for some reason... (x) let me sleep in your bed? i have before (x) sing car karaoke with me? only pop and mulan (x) sit in the doctors office with me because I didn't want to go alone? and get you a lolipop for being so brave (x) come and pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere? haha a very likely situation when you had the geo ( ) go out with me? self explanitory ( ) give me your number? i should hope you have it (x) let me kiss you? if you really wanted to (x) have sex with me? if you really wanted to ( ) play an SM (slave master)scene with me? thats crossing some kind of line (x) watch a movie with me... even a really sappy one? 6 words: win a date with tad hamilton (x) let me take you out to dinner? free food is free food (x) drive me somewhere/anywhere? ( ) take a shower with me? ( ) have a fling with me? (x) listen to me if I called you, crying, even if you were out with all oF your friends? of course ( ) re-post this for me to answer your questions?
i cant buy a drink any more than you can.
(x) take me home for the night?
if you were in portland for some reason...
(x) let me sleep in your bed?
i have before
(x) sing car karaoke with me?
only pop and mulan
(x) sit in the doctors office with me because I didn't want to go alone?
and get you a lolipop for being so brave
(x) come and pick me up at 3 am because my car ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere?
haha a very likely situation when you had the geo
( ) go out with me?
self explanitory
( ) give me your number?
i should hope you have it
(x) let me kiss you?
if you really wanted to
(x) have sex with me?
if you really wanted to
( ) play an SM (slave master)scene with me?
thats crossing some kind of line
(x) watch a movie with me... even a really sappy one?
6 words: win a date with tad hamilton
(x) let me take you out to dinner?
free food is free food
(x) drive me somewhere/anywhere?
( ) take a shower with me?
( ) have a fling with me?
(x) listen to me if I called you, crying, even if you were out with all oF your friends?
of course
( ) re-post this for me to answer your questions?
omg jk
haha i'm so bored right now
i loved win a date with tad hamilton
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