Title: Remember Me? [Prologue]
Author: 15SujuBerries
Length: 1/4(?)
Pairing: KyuSung, YeWon, Past YeWook, HaeHyuk
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, angst, humor, drama
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Warnings: Character Death(?), mention of abuse and rape
Summary: Who knew underneath that stoic yet lovable person was a murderer, chasing after the running boy once again.
“Do you think he’s dead?!” Hyukjae gasped and Donghae sighed.
The two happy men were just taking a stroll in the forest, enjoying their free time that they could spend together but it got ruined once the clumsy boy tripped over a body. This wasn’t called for, Hyukjae tripped over rocks, boxes, branches and anything that wasn’t a living person...
Though, they couldn’t tell if this boy was even breathing at all.
“Do you think I killed him?!” The boy blurted out, panicking.
Donghae reached out to remove the fallen leaves lying on the boy’s head but Hyukjae slapped his hand back.
“Don’t do that!”
He smirked, “Any why not?”
“What if this is like that horror movie I saw last night... if you remove the leaves, his face might be all nasty then he kills us after.”
Donghae chuckled, “I assure you that would never ever happen,” he gave the pouting boy a serious look. “No one can hurt my monkey while I’m still alive~”
Hyukjae rolled his eyes but abruptly stopped, blushed, and turned around. “Are you feeling up my le-IT’S ALIVE!?!?” He screamed. Hyukjae jumped for Donghae and he happily lifted him up like a princess. “You just said it was dead a minute ago...” he murmured. “It... Its leg moved!”
Donghae, without letting go of the struggling monkey, examined the body. “He looks familiar... can I take off the leaves now? I’m sure his face isn’t hideous.”
Hyukjae nodded, feeling unsure.
Donghae bent over with the monkey now on his back but his hand got pulled backward.
Donghae groaned. “After this I’m throwing away all those movies Heechul-hyung gave you.”
Hyukjae closed his eyes and Donghae removed the leaves.
A minute passed and Donghae didn’t say a word. Hyukjae tightened his hold on his shoulders, “Is it okay to loo-YESUNG-HYUNG?!”
Donghae nodded and both felt every happy feeling harshly yanked out of their body.
Yesung has been missing since Ryeowook’s death. Everyone went searching for him, thinking he ran away or got lost but after a year, they all lost hope and assumed he committed suicide because of Ryeowook’s murder.
His face had a few cuts and scrapes, his right arm and leg was bleeding and the rest of his body was badly bruised.
They watched as Yesung slowly woke up...
...then slowly closed his eyes.
A/n: I have writer's block so 'Smiling Faces' will be on hiatus for a while and because of school >.< I'll try to update that fic once all my projects and upcoming tests are done T-T School is driving me crazy... again >.<
This fic won't be long and I can't guarantee a happy ending ^^; I'll try to though, depending on the next chapters.
Heartl0ck, I tried to make Yesung an insane stalker and an abusive person but he always ends up suffering XD However, I'm making KH crazier than SW :D
As for the JR plot, whenever I write a sentence it turns out weird D: Though, I think this turned out even weirder... ^^;