My Little Siwonnie

Jul 14, 2010 14:00

Title: My Little Siwonnie
Author: 15SujuBerries
Length: 1/2
Pairings: YeWon.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Humor
Disclaimer: I don’t own them... Or do I? Lol, just kidding XD *Dies*
Warnings: Cosplay
Summary: Yesung’s little brother comes to visit Super Junior. Though for what reason?
A/N: This is a sequel to my other oneshot: My Little Cheerleader. However, you don’t have to read it to read this. ^^

Part One

“This better be where hyung lives...” a little boy huffed as he knocked on the door. As the door opened, the small boy quickly changed his glare into a sweet, innocent smile, “Jongjin-ah!” Leeteuk hugged Yesung’s brother tightly and stopped when he sensed Kangin’s hand about to hit him.
“Hyung! Your brother is here~” Ryeowook tried to wake up Yesung, “Hyung!” he pouted. Yesung ignored his cries and continued to sleep, he was tired as hell. “Yesung-hyung...!” Ryeowook warned him as he held up a pan and a giant wooden spoon. Yesung groaned then got up from his bed and smacked the boys head playfully. “Jongjin-ah! Why are you here this early in the morning?!” Yesung whined. “Looks like someone is cranky... it’s passed lunch!” Kyuhyun smirked. Jongjin pouted then looked to his right when Siwon came out of his bedroom, “Hyung, I love you~” he hugged him tightly. “Ah, yeah, love you too...” Yesung chuckled as he pat the little boy’s head. Jongjin didn’t let go yet, he turned his head to face Siwon and smirked then changed it back to an innocent and cute expression. “Hyung! Why are you so tired...? Omo, you didn’t it breakfast or lunch yet!” Jongjin pouted then pushed Yesung to a chair, “Poor hyung...!”

“Yah! Does umma and appa know you’re here...?” Yesung yawned then Jongjin nodded as he gave him a container. “Here, eat!” the little boy smiled as Yesung opened the bag to find his favourite food. “T-Thank you!” Yesung’s eyes sparkled; it’s been way too long since he could enjoy his beloved meal. When no one was looking except for Siwon, Jongjin turned around and flashed a glare at him which left Siwon confused.
Everyone was sitting down, watching a movie except for Siwon who was drinking coffee and reading a bible next to Yesung. “Hyung~” Jongjin smiled cutely at Siwon as he tapped his shoulder. “Yes?” Siwon didn’t look up at the boy and continued reading. “Can I talk to in the kitchen?” Jongjin changed his expression and looked shy. “Okay...” Siwon closed his bible then Jongjin gave him a toothy grin.
“Siwon-sshi... Stop fucking around with Yesung-hyung.” Jongjin death glared Siwon who was shocked at the word that came out of the innocent boy’s mouth. “Ehh?”

“Idiot...” Jongjin scoffed, “Hyung likes your stupid chocolate abs better than you!” Siwon continued to smile even though he was boiling with anger in the inside. “C-Chocolate abs...?”

“If he had to pick between you and your fucking body then he would pick your abs,” Jongjin smirked “I bet whenever he gets the chance, he hugs you and rests his head on your chest! He loves me, not you!!”

“Yah! What do you know?!” Siwon glared at the boy, it was a bit true though. “I know that you exercise too much!! If you didn’t have that 6 pack then hyung would never be with you or want you!” Siwon was about to lose it until Leeteuk walked into the kitchen without realizing what just happened. “Do you want a snack?” Leeteuk smiled to Jongjin who stopped glaring quickly. “No thank you hyung.” He smiled then skipped to the living room. Siwon sighed then walked back and found Jongjin who was sitting in his spot next to Yesung. Jongjin hugged his brother and fell asleep.

Siwon sat beside Shindong and started thinking, “Siwon-ah, are you okay...?”


“You look pissed off...” Shindong chuckled nervously, he looked scary.

“I do?” Shindong nodded.

“I’m not mad, actually I feel quite sad...” Siwon sighed then closed his eyes to sleep before Shindong could question him.
Jongjin said goodbye to everyone before he left. “Siwon-ah~” Yesung pouted when he sat next to him, “Siwonnie! Wake up...” Yesung tapped his shoulder but he wouldn’t move. “Siwon, Siwon, Siwon...” he moaned seductively in his ear but Siwon still didn’t move. “SIWON!” he squeaked but gave up and just hugged him and closed his eyes. Siwon looked at the small man then stood up, shaking off Yesung’s arms, “Siwon...?” Siwon didn’t respond and walked to his room silently.

Yesung felt worried, did he do something wrong? Yesung opened Siwon’s door, “Siwo-”
“What?!” he yelled.
“Ne... Never mind.” Yesung replied then closed the door. Siwon never raised his voice at him before.

[A/N: Jongjin comes back~ Hmm, there may be possible angst at part two! XD This was supposed to be a oneshot but I decided it was better to do it this way ^^ Comments please~ XD]

au, yewon, humor, romance, nc-17

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