My Little Cheerleader

Jul 11, 2010 00:07

Title: My Little Cheerleader
Author: 15SujuBerries
Length: Oneshot
Pairings: YeWon, other pairings will be mentioned.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Humor
Disclaimer: I don’t own them... Or do I? Lol, just kidding XD *Dies*
Warnings: Cosplay
Summary: Yesung leaves Siwon high and dry...

The members shouted with happiness as they saw Hangeng and the others. Siwon and Hangeng kept smiling until they realized Yesung and Heechul weren’t with them, “Leeteuk-Hyung-”

“Yesung and Heechul went shopping-”

“Shopping?!” Siwon and Hangeng looked at Leeteuk with horror. “Why? Is buying groceries and other things bad...?” Leeteuk was confused. “N-No...” Siwon chuckled nervously then continued walking.
“Hyung... I think this is a bad idea...” Yesung was unsure.

“No! This is a good idea...!” Heechul mumbled. “How?!”

“I’m sorry for what you’re about to hear...” Heechul sighed “... Siwon kissed another girl and I’m not sure if it went even further afterwards...” Heechul sounded like it was normal. “WHAT?!” Yesung felt tears coming and felt like shooting someone. “Yes... I saw it on a website...” Heechul pretended to look sad.


“Now you have three choices! A.) Go attack him... B.) Cry, eat ice cream and burn your picture of him or better, C.) Go with my plan!” Heechul pointed to the bag Yesung was carrying.

“But it’s just a website... I mean it could’ve been edited!”

“Well you’ll find out if you do it!” Heechul smirked.

“...” Yesung didn’t know what to do... be mad at Siwon or argue with Heechul? “I know Siwon! He would never do that to me!”

“Well it has been months since he did it with you... Isn’t Siwon scary when he’s really horny?”


“Who knows what he did in China?”
Siwon was getting impatient, he wanted to kiss and hug his Sungie like there was no tomorrow... It’s already been an hour!

“We’re home~!” Heechul chanted while Yesung looked blank. Heechul ran up to Hangeng then Yesung sat down on a couch next to the EunHae couple, far away from Siwon. “Hyukkie~ let’s have some fun...” Donghae smirked while Hyukjae blushed and looked away. “Don’t be a pervert fishy...” Hyukjae mumbled while Yesung felt like going on a killing spree as he continued to listen to their conversation, “Hyukkie... so mean, I just want to do it for real again instead of dreaming of doing it with you when I was still in China...” Donghae pouted then Siwon decided to sit next to Yesung.

Siwon just sat there... expecting a hug or squeal... but got nothing. Before Siwon could say anything, Yesung got up and sat in between the ZhouRy couple; if he sat beside one of them instead of being in the middle then he would hear the same thing Donghae was saying to Hyukjae but worse... “Hyung, what’s in the bag?” Sungmin asked Yesung when he sat beside Henry, “Why is it big?”

“Um... Sn-Snacks... Lots of them.”

“Really! What kind?!” Sungmin got excited, trying to look inside so Yesung panicked. “J-Just really, really salty snacks...” Sungmin pouted, he liked sweet not really salty food... Yesung smiled with victory then returned to looking pissed off and depressed. “Dinner is ready!” Hangeng and Ryeowook yelled.
Siwon was worried; everyone was talking and laughing except for Yesung who was the only one eating quickly. Suddenly Heechul and Yesung got up, “Yesung, where are you going?” Siwon placed an arm on Yesung’s shoulder but he ignored it and continued walking.

~Three hours later~

Siwon felt tired so he decided to sleep. Before opening the door he heard voices, “Ahh, Heechul-hyung, i-it’s too t-tight!” Yesung moaned. “Just be quiet and take it!” Heechul mumbled. A part of Siwon was blushing but the other part of him was raging with anger. “Aish, if you didn’t have ‘that’ then this would’ve been easier...”

“Well sorry for having it! What about you! I’m not the only one who has a ‘dingdong’ here!”

“Dingdong?!” Heechul laughed then opened the door and found a tall man who had a dark aura from head to toe. “Ah, Siwonnie...! H-How’s life? ...Good? Okay then, see you later!” Heechul smirked and walked away quickly then Siwon closed the door. The light wasn’t on so Yesung couldn’t see his expression, “Siwon-ah?”

“Yesung, where are you-?!” Yesung roughly pushed Siwon onto the bed, “Siwonnie, did she seduce you...” Yesung kissed Siwon’s palm before tying his hands to the bed. “What? Yesung... could you untie me!” Yesung ignored him then lit a few candles so Siwon could see him. “What are you wearing?!” Siwon gulped, he felt himself getting hard as Yesung walked over. “It’s a cheerleader outfit, babo~” he giggled then sat on top of Siwon’s chest. Yesung was wearing a black and red miniskirt that was too short for Siwon’s comfort and his shirt revealed some of his chest, “Wonnie~” Yesung moaned while shaking the pompoms he was holding. “...You even put a bow in your hair...” Siwon laughed nervously, trying to untie himself. “Now tell me, was she so pretty that Siwonnie let her touch his lips? I bet she was a slut...” Yesung said seductively as he unbuttoned Siwon’s shirt.

“Y-Yesung, what are you talking about?!” Siwon said as Yesung began kissing and sucking his chest and neck. Yesung started giggling again as he poked Siwon’s clothed erection, “Omo, hard already?” Siwon groaned as Yesung kept poking it. “Yesung-hyung...” he growled then Yesung pouted again, “Siwonnie didn’t call me hyung before he left for China!” Yesung unzipped his pants and removed his boxers roughly, “Siwonnie is so big~” Siwon blushed a little so Yesung laughed.

He began palming the length harshly. Siwon moaned and without realizing, he bucked his hips forwards. “Getting impatient now...?” Yesung looked innocent but on the inside he was smirking. He slowly moved his head down then kissed the tip, touching the slit with his tongue. “Wonnie~ what do you want me to do?” Yesung asked while blowing cold air onto his cock. Siwon rolled his eyes, “Suck it...” he said bluntly.

Yesung complied then he engulfed his entire length, he sucked Siwon’s cock like he was licking a lollipop or an ice cream cone. Yesung moved over to his balls and sucked hard, receiving a moan from Siwon then he went back to sucking his throbbing dick.
Siwon was so, so close until Yesung removed his mouth and smiled, “Have a good sleep Siwonnie~” he kissed his cheek then got off of the bed but gasped as Siwon grabbed his arm, “H-How?!” Siwon brought his little cheerleader closer to him then whispered into his ear hotly, “It wasn’t hard to rip the rope... you were too busy sucking my dick to notice.” Siwon smirked then quickly grabbed a bag from under the bed. “Now I understand why Hangeng-hyung gave me this bag...” Siwon took out a vibrator, handcuffs and a can of whipped cream. “Yah!!” Yesung yelled, trying to run away but got trapped by Siwon’s body.

“Sungie-ah, how about we hear a cheer!” Siwon asked, straddling him. Yesung glared at him, “No!”

“Fine, we’ll talk about it later. Now what were you talking about before? What girl...?”

“You cheated on me with some girl in China! You idiot!!” Yesung yelled then Siwon smirked, “So it’s true?!” Yesung gasped then Siwon laughed, “Don’t tell me you believed another lie Heechul-hyung told you? What bet did he make now...?” Siwon sighed. “...S-So you didn’t?”

“No. You’re more beautiful and better than most girls anyway...” Siwon smiled but Yesung didn’t smile back. “Most?!” he pouted.

“Because you won’t show me a cheer or dance...”Siwon switched their positions so that Yesung was on top and his member was being poked by his own.

“Fine... I have a couple of ideas but you have to let me go if I actually ch-cheer...!” Yesung blushed while looking away. “Okay but... You have to say three, one involving Super Junior, me and YeWon while smiling and acting cute then I’ll let you go~” Siwon smirked.

“F-Fine!” Yesung was going to stand up but Siwon held onto him. “No, you’re going to do it on my lap.” He smiled while Yesung scoffed. “Can’t I just sing?!” Siwon shaked his head. “Aish, fine!” Yesung pouted then began cheering, “...1-2-3-4~ Siwon is back and better than before. Unstoppable, unbeatable! He’s the best... on the floor... bed!” Yesung smiled but on the inside he felt like screaming in embarrassment and the pompom shaking made it worse, “More power to the hour, more bounce to the ounce. We’re the mighty YeWon and we’ll boom, knock you out... boom, boom knock you out~” Yesung felt like dying then unexpectedly, Siwon quickly pulled the little cheerleader into a deep, hot kiss.

“Yesung-ah~ you’re so cute...” Siwon laughed while hugging him tightly. “I didn’t do the third c-cheer...?”

“Why? Do you want to...?” Siwon smirked then kissed him again. “NO!!” Yesung yelled, “I-I’m going to go change now okay...!” Yesung got off of Siwon and reached for a bag that contained his t-shirt and shorts but Siwon stopped him. “Sungie, you said I could let you go if you did three cheers but you only did two so I get to punish you now!” Siwon chuckled darkly. “WHY?!” Yesung whined. “Because, you didn’t do it three times, you left me hard and I still am and you thought I was with someone else in China. Also... what were you doing with Heechul-hyung?!” Siwon looked pissed off again as he placed Yesung onto the bed. “Please let me go Wonnie~” Yesung tilted his head, looking cute.

“No.” Siwon replied then grabbed the handcuffs, “Why don’t we make these items to good use?” Siwon handcuffed Yesung’s hand, over his head to the bed and then kissed him roughly. Yesung blushed harder each time Siwon removed a piece of fabric from his body,
“Wonnie! I didn’t do anything with Heechul~!” Yesung continued to pout and whine.
When Siwon took off Yesung’s skirt, he saw Yesung’s strawberry designed lingerie...

“Yesung... Really?” Siwon blushed. “I don’t know!! I was supposed to seduce you, find out who the girl was then leave you high and dry...!” Yesung blushed and soon Siwon chuckled. “Yesung-ah, you really are cute~” Siwon murmured as he left hickeys all over Yesung’s body.

Siwon gazed intensely at Yesung’s underwear while slowly removing it, “Siwon-ah... it hurts!” Yesung pouted, referring to the handcuffs. “I’ll remove it later.” Siwon smiled before stroking the tip slowly but hard, he kissed the tip afterwards then grabbed the vibrator. “Wahh, please d-don’t!” Yesung blushed, trying to move away as Siwon spread his legs apart. He wasn’t even prepared yet.

Siwon smirked before thrusting the toy deep inside of him, “Aahh!” Yesung screamed loudly. “Shh! everyone will hear...” Siwon kissed his soft lips briefly.
Before Siwon could flick the switch, Yesung galred at Siwon. “Didn’t you want everyone to here the last time we did it before you lef-” Yesung got cut off when he felt strong waves of pleasure as the vibrator worked up his prostrate. Yesung moaned continuously, not realizing Siwon who was squirting whipped cream into his mouth. “Ahhh! T-Take it out...” Yesung moaned he couldn’t take it anymore. Siwon smiled, licking off the pre-cum on Yesung’s tip after removing the toy.

Yesung sighed as he saw Siwon placing the can between his legs, into his hole. He moved the nozzle, releasing the cream into his hole causing Yesung to moan again. “S-Siwon-ah!” Yesung glared at the younger man who just smiled, dipping his head down after placing Yesung’s legs over his shoulders. Siwon licked his hole, thrusting his tongue in and out slowly but quickly stopped when he heard voices outside his door.
“Yah! What the hell are you two doing?!” An angry leader asked Heechul and Hangeng whose ears were leaning against Siwon’s door. “Uhh...” Hangeng tried to think of something until Heechul started talking. “Nothing. I thought I heard something unusual... Oh, wasn’t Kangin looking for you?!” Heechul pushed Leeteuk onto Kangin’s lap in the living room then ran back.
Siwon shrugged then pulled Yesung into a kiss even though he tried to push him away, “Why?” Siwon pouted. “It’s awkward having two people listening you babo!” Yesung whispered. “So?” Siwon smiled, parting Yesung’s legs with force. “I love you~” Siwon chanted before thrusting his hardened member inside of Yesung’s tight hole, causing him to moan in pain and pleasure.
Instead of waiting for Yesung to adjust, Siwon continued to ram into him, he was supposed to punish Yesung after all... Siwon moved faster and harder every time he thrust into him,

“Siwon!” Yesung cried, arching off of the bed. Siwon smirking, continued to hit the same spot over and over again. Yesung screamed underneath the younger boy, he wanted to hug him tightly but of course he couldn’t because of the damn handcuffs. “Siwon, Siwon, Siwon!” Yesung moaned repeatedly, every time Siwon rammed into him. He didn’t care if the others could hear anymore.
“Oww! Hyung~” Hangeng cried after Leeteuk wacked his head with a newspaper. “Yah! Stop eavesdropping!!” Leeteuk yelled “Why are you two listening to their conversation anyways?!”

“Teuk-Teukie, it’s not a conversation! Siwonnie got horny and is fucking Yesung right now...” Heechul said in a matter-of-fact tone which would’ve pissed the leader off if Heechul didn’t tell him what he just mentioned. “What?!” Leeteuk gasped.

“We made a bet... If Yesung left Siwon high and dry like I told him to then I win but if Siwon escaped the ropes and fucked Yesung then Hangeng wins... Unfortunately I lost, which is very surprising since I always win!” Heechul glared at his lover whojust grinned. “Is there anything else I need to know?!” Leeteuk glared at those two. “Oh... Yesung is wearing a cheerleader outfit and lingerie.” Hangeng murmured then Heechul face palmed himself before Leeteuk almost killed them.
A few thrust later Siwon came into Yesung who just lied there in exhaustion. “Could you take them off now?!” Yesung hissed at Siwon who was now laughing on top of him. “Okay.” Siwon kissed Yesung then removed the handcuffs. Yesung’s wrists were bruised so Siwon kissed them softly, making the older man blush. “I love you my Sungie~” Siwon hugged Yesung tightly. “I love you too Siwonnie!” Yesung pecked him on the lips. “Sungie-ah! We should do this more often! Maybe with strawberry ice cream next time and you’ll wear a girl sailor outfit and mand my ship~”

“Mand my ship...?” Yesung didn’t understand but got it after ten seconds of thinking, “You pervert!!” Yesung smacked Siwon’s shoulder and blushed. Siwon chuckled then Yesung closed his eyes, “I still love you though...” he mumbled then fell asleep against Siwon’s bare chest.

[A/N: Wahh, I am finally done my first oneshot! >_< This was the longest smut I ever typed... -.-” Please comment! XD Was the smut good, bad or so-so?? ^^ I think I rushed it a bit...? >_< This would’ve been posted earlier today if I could think of a good title =_=]

yewon, haehyuk, humor, romance, hanchul, nc-17

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